Title: The Fulcrum of the Force
nograviityFandom/Genre: SPN/Star Wars Fusion / slash
Pairing (s): Dean/Cas, with minor Sam/Ruby
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 123,000
Warnings: Graphic sex, graphic violence, strong language, dark themes
Disclaimer: Written for fun, not profit; if it's recognizable, I don't own it.
Five thousand years
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Comments 27
Because, really, who hadn't thought of putting Star Wars and Supernatural together? Your summary alone makes me giddy!
Oh, and importantly, 'cause I'm forgetful this morning. Can you please send me a personal message with your email so I can get email that story right over to you? Thanks!
And I will go back and read your other story. I've just begun this one and I am very excited to keep reading. All your research and work has seriously paid off, my friend. It's excellent so far.
Oh my god!
Ahem, I must go now and read Hunters, it's one of the few SPN BB stories that I have left to read (I always leave gen stories for last) so I can read this as quickly as possible!
I just hope this (and Hunters) lives up to your expectations! Just let me know if you need a PDF of either story (you can PM, i.e., personal message me) to speed the reading along. This is in 2 convient linked "chapters" on AO3, while hunters is available in twenty-something sections on LJ or in 2 parts on AO3... but I haven't had time to link up the AO3 version of Hunters to everything else yet, so it might be tricky to find that way).
I really, really, really hope you like this (and Hunters), and hope *both* storeis are satisfying!
At AO3 it says that the fic is chapter 1/2 and the bottom says continued in part 2, but part 2 isn't there. Is there more to come?
If you scroll up to the TOP (annoying, no?) there is a button that says "next chapter" that will take you to the next chapter. Which is there happily waiting for people to read it.
In the meantime... I going to go fix that pesky broken link that says "Continued in Part 2..." to get it working so people won't have to scrollall the way to the very top! Thanks for your patience! (And let me know if that made sense.)
(The comment has been removed)
Finally! I was sooooo hoping for this, since I remember you promised a sequel after "Hunters of the Dark Side". I just never thought it'll turn out Dean/Cas, but well. Not my favorite flavor, but I just have to live with that, right?
(More later, after reading!)
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