In The Dark Of The Night [COMPLETED]

Apr 21, 2006 01:56

Characters: Dias, Maya
Content: Both Dias and Maya aren't really getting a good night's sleep - get your minds out of the gutter, thank you.
Setting: Morem o Lisboa, room 316
Time: Early morning, Saturday
Warning: None, really(I told you it was innocent!)

It was nearly two hours later before Dias finally flipped his sketchbook shut. )

dias flac, completed, morem o lisboa, maya fey

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Comments 26

gourdyexists April 21 2006, 14:52:37 UTC
It was strange how sometimes, no matter when you went to sleep and how dead tired you were, you found yourself slowly awakening despite that. It was the third time Maya had drifted off to sleep and cracked her eyes open again, and she was starting to get irritated about it. Honestly, was a long, nice rest too much to ask for after everything that just happened?

Apparently so, because this time she had rolled over with a sharp headache. "Fine, you win," she huffed quietly to the heavens above. If they weren't going to let her sleep, whatever. Maya craned her head in the direction of Dias, who looked to be asleep for at least an hour-and-a-half by now. She wondered if he'd have any asprins on him-- which she quickly doubted. Like this place or any of the people in it would have anything like that.

Maya sighed and rubbed at her temples. Go away, go away, I don't need to deal with you right now.

When she looked back up across the room, she let out a slight shriek.


heavens_too_far April 21 2006, 18:19:15 UTC
Slight or not, it didn't make much of a difference to Dias; it woke him just the same(you learned to sleep light when you slept outdoors as much as indoors, especially on Expel where aggressive monsters outnumbered harmless animals), and the shot of adrenaline had him on his feet even before his eyes had been open long enough to focus properly on anything. His sword was already in his hand; he'd gone to sleep with it in easy reach.

Maybe he wasn't on Expel anymore, but old habits died hard. Or didn't die at all, sometimes.

The mercenary blinked at their surroundings as the sleep cleared from his eyes; Maya seemed to be in bed still, and there appeared to be...absolutely nothing at all out of place, actually, even after he'd done a second quick scan of the room to make sure. Finally, his gaze settled on Maya. "Did you have a nightmare?" he asked, trying not to sound as irritable as he felt. His nerves were singing; no chance of getting back to sleep for awhile.


gourdyexists April 22 2006, 18:52:44 UTC
Maya didn't reply right away-- there was a figure there, a human figure standing right there. It didn't dawn on Maya that the figure could barely be seen, given a split second; but even though it was quick, the image clearly stuck inside her mind.

It was a small girl, approximately nineish, Maya had to guess. Her head was bowed down with dark, royal blue bangs covering her eyes; her hands were clasped tightly in front of her. As she looked up in that quick moment, Maya noticed a necklace of daisies that hung from around her neck. The small girl was facing Dias-- who looked completely oblivious to the figure in front of him-- with a soft, saddened look. She seemed to notice Maya, then turned to her, suddenly growing a slight smile.

And then, just like that, the figure faded. Maya stared, but then realized that the sharp pain in her head was slowly going away. "T-That," Maya pointed where the small girl once was. "Did... did you not see that?"


heavens_too_far April 23 2006, 02:17:55 UTC
Dias frowned, lowering his gaze to the spot between himself and Maya that the girl seemed to be pointing to - the entirely empty spot. What in the name of Tria's mercy...?

"See what?" he inquired, somewhat cautiously.


gourdyexists April 23 2006, 04:22:22 UTC
"That-- that girl!" Maya waved her hand frantically at the general area. "There was this girl there! And then she just like, disappeared or something!" She turned her puzzled gaze towards Dias. "D-Don't tell me you didn't see it? Or is it just another one of this stupid place's creepy tricks?"


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