A New Threat, and New Allies [Active, Closed]

Sep 09, 2011 22:40

Character(s): Hei, Squall, and Rinoa (featuring Lumens)
Content: Glowing white creatures start showing up to pester Hei. B| Squall and Rinoa see what’s going on and come to his aid.
Setting: Towards the center of the city
Time: Late into week 34, in the afternoon directly after this
Warnings: This is likely going to be a vicious battle...

Over a minute had passed. No response. )

squall leonhart, week 34, rinoa heartilly, hei

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Comments 25

maybeimaleon September 15 2011, 21:17:14 UTC
The sight of Lumens in the street was hardly a new sight, for Squall. True, they didn't normally seem to find him interesting, but he had seen them, even if it was out of the corner of his eye. Running across what could only be called a swarm of them when he'd only been out to see if he'd have any luck finding any more familiar faces across the city ( ... )


timberwings September 22 2011, 02:09:36 UTC
Not even hesitating, Rinoa was already throwing herself into the fray along with Squall, her Blaster Edge raised as she let the disk from it fly towards one of the creatures with a bit of backlash for her, forcing her back a few steps before she recovered from it in time for the disk to return to her. It was a good thing she had decided to bring the Weapon with her, not that she couldn't fight without it, but it made her feel better to have it anyway.

Either way, the attack at certainly gained at least one Lumen's attention, though it hadn't fallen yet, and she quickly cast Blizzaga to remedy that before watching it finally fall.

So these were Lumens? Rinoa had heard about them from Squall when she'd arrived, but this was the first time that she had ever really seen them. Still, this wasn't the time to be curious about them, not while they were attacking someone. Not while that person and Squall still needed help fighting them off.


clashingtactics September 22 2011, 03:35:55 UTC
Hei's body continued to glow as he shocked some of the glowing beasts back. He continuously used his knife, and used martial arts to prevent them from coming at him all at once ( ... )


maybeimaleon September 22 2011, 04:44:20 UTC
Normally, Squall would have been surprised to find the person in the middle of the cluster of Lumens glowing. But even taking into account the way the Lumens themselves appeared to glow, it wasn't all that much of a surprise. People came here from all sorts of worlds, and with all sorts of abilities he'd never seen before.

Besides, even it had been unusual to the point of being surprised he wouldn't have let it distract him. Between the oncoming Lumens and the assorted attacks from both Rinoa and the stranger he had enough to keep an eye on, especially as the Lumens simply kept coming, Lionheart continuing to flash as Squall kept up with the onslaught as best he could. They couldn't last forever.

In theory, anyway, but he refused to give that thought the benefit of actually crossing his mind. There were still enemies, so he'd keep on fighting.


timberwings September 22 2011, 04:58:39 UTC
Personally, the person glowing was a bit of a surprise for Rinoa, but she had other things to worry about right now that didn't include a glowing person. You know, like that Lumen that had just almost managed to take a bite out of her arm before she managed to Fira it into a now extra crispy Lumen.

Well, somehow she was managing to hold her own for the time being, though she was starting to wonder if there was an end to these things. Well, at the very least, maybe she could give them some extra advantage. Like a Triple casting of Haste.


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