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Sep 08, 2011 19:13

Character(s): Jake and Soma
Content: At first the lone Animorph is occupied in his restless thoughts, but then someone familiar meets up with him.
Setting: Somewhere in between the park and the Cheap Prayer
Time: Mid week 34, late morning
Warnings: None

The days seemed to fly on by around here. To Jake it didn’t really feel like over a month had passed. He’s kept track through keeping a constant watch on the journal networks, each voice or text post with dates on them. Yet back on his world, it wasn’t exactly close to the next millennium. Would the entire human race and the well being of his Earth be saved by the Andalites around then? He didn’t know.

His best friend had come and gone so quickly that it deeply bothered and frustrated him for a little while. There had been no warning at all when he disappeared. Jake had looked all over the city for him as thoroughly as he could, but there wasn’t even a slightest trace of him left behind. Was Marco all right? Did he arrive back to his own time, or what? Jake had no idea. Not one person around him sounded sure of that ever happening.

There were no words to describe how shockingly bizarre on Marco’s insistence on things Jake couldn’t remember at all. This was a few days before he, Soma, and Toph had made it out alive through one of the floors above the city. Marco kept on believing that this had to be some kind of Ellimist game.

In disagreement, Jake said he was sure that Crayak (that creepy blood red eye had a name) or the Ellimist hadn’t tampered with his own memories. He was really, really sure...

Recently, he hadn’t slept well. He had a nightmare about the other Animorphs, his friends. Most of them looked defeated in their barred cages, despair in their eyes as people in the background were being shoved along in a line at the Yeerk Pool’s infestation pier. Most of them, because Marco looked upset-like he knew that Jake was still trapped within the castle, and there was nothing no one could do about that.

Tobias was no where to be seen. Maybe he had escaped. Or maybe he had been killed.

Walking around outside was a work in progress to calm his nerves a little. At some point he thought, I’ve got to get moving. I have to get out of here. This would mean having to go towards that church to find a way to the top of the castle, out in a field outside of Paixao according to the map on his journal.

He knew going alone would be too risky. Before setting out, he would leave a message on this journal to the friends and allies he felt could be trusted. Some of them he hadn’t felt one hundred percent about.

Then he thought about Soma. He was still very much an enigma to Jake, but definitely someone he could count on. And there were questions he wanted to ask. Soma in return probably had questions of his own about him...

week 34, jake, soma cruz

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