Character(s): Urd, Genie, Yorda.
Content: Urd and Genie check up on their totally not adopted daughter.
Setting: Mao's lab in St. Destino Hospital
Time: Week 34, afternoon
Warnings: None.
Urd rode sidesaddle on a broom as she flew across the sky, low under the ever present domed ceiling. )
Comments 62
“That was close.” He said, his voice echoing down the vacant hallways. It had been the first thing he had said since they had left the house, the two having travelled uncharacteristically in silence to their destination. “Kind of creepy in here, huh?” Genie continued, deciding to break the ice. “Echo!” he called out, hand cupped around his mouth to help amplify the sound of his voice.
"It's been abandoned for awhile," she said quietly, the empty atmosphere somehow lending itself to a softer voice. "I'm not surprised Mao picked this as a place to stay." She stepped up close to Genie, dusting off the dust that had stirred onto his shoulder during his entry.
She paused for a moment as she withdrew her hand, as if she wanted to say something. But she suddenly moved away, heading down the hallway to search for Yorda.
“Me neither.” Genie replied, determined to keep up conversation. It wasn’t what they needed to talk about but it was better than walking in silence. “This place screams that kids name all over it. He may not have painted it like the rest of the town but you just know. It must be like living in a toy store for him.”
Upon hearing voices that sounded wonderfully familiar, Yorda grinned brightly and called out from what passed as a kitchen, "I am in here."
"Yorda...? There you are." Urd hesitated by the doorway, smiling a small, almost nervous smile as she caught sight of the girl. Yorda seemed the same as she always was, bright and innocent and sweet. None of the heart-wrenching fear she had displayed in the past was present, yet still the goddess hung back.
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