And sometimes the things you least expect are the best things that happen to you... [Open]

Jul 22, 2011 14:19

Character(s): blitzdream and paixaorpg
Content: Tidus discovers he's no longer on the islands anymore. Exploring is in short order.
Setting: Areas around Nilfheim gate (so Reaper's Ramen, O Pastor, Promenade Terrace; your choice!)
Time: Week 33 -> Late Afternoon
Warnings: ANNOYING CHILD ALERT. With a side of narcissism. Otherwise, I expect this to be pretty mild. 8D ( Read more... )

niflheim, tidus (kh), jecht

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Comments 11

finalfayth July 26 2011, 08:37:24 UTC
Jecht was on his third bowl of ramen. The damn things just weren't filling enough, how did people survive off of these? He'd long ago abandoned even the idea of chopsticks and instead opted to just tip the bowl up to his mouth, and take a swig. He pushed his way out the door, wondering where else he could find a suitable snack to tide him over until dinner.

When he heard an oddly familiar voice off in the distance, his head jerked towards it -- finding the short owner of some blond hair. Was that... the kid?! He did a double take, dropping his noodles to the ground and rubbing his eyes, just to make sure.

Yep. It was him.

Scenarios played out in his head, his brain searching for some instance he would have encouraged the boy to eat his vegetables. But then again, knowing Jecht, the 'encouragement' probably sounded a lot more like 'I bet your puny baby teeth can't even bite through that carrot!'

But still! What did Auron say it had been?? Ten years?! Surely the her should have had some sort of growth spurt by now! He was his son, ( ... )


And now that LJ isn't making me want to scream and light things on fire~ 8D; blitzdream August 1 2011, 23:44:31 UTC
While Jecht had found himself lost in thought over the sight of the squirt of a kid, said boy seemed to have just discovered the dome about them... which he... already had. A good fifteen minutes ago. It was more of the whole general feel of the place that just- It filled him with energy and let's go let's go! He just couldn't get enough of this strange new place. Everywhere he looked, something was fresh and invigorating... or not so much, but it was all so different from home!

So much so that he hadn't caught the sound of the bowl hitting the sidewalk- although given there were people around, it really came as no surprise. What did catch his attention and make his breath hitch just slightly was the voice- low in pitch, rough around the edges, and confident. A voice that hit him pretty quickly and he found himself looking back over his shoulder with furrowed brows. Was that ( ... )


lol. i hear that... finalfayth August 4 2011, 18:22:58 UTC
"...What." Was all he could manage at first, standing there, staring. Sure, he'd been gone and out of his life for a long time... but to forget him entirely?! That was defintely a blow to the old ego. In the surface, he definitely lost face for a moment, somewhere between being offended and shocked.

"Who am I?!" Jecht was bursting at the seams now. "What kind of question is that?! Tch," he scoffed, his hands on his hips. "I know I've been gone awhile but don't tell me that pea brain of yours isn't even capable of remembering your old man's face," he rose his arm, bringing a thumb up to jab at the air near his magnificent mug. Who'd want to forget something as great as it was?!


blitzdream August 7 2011, 06:50:02 UTC
'WHAT' would probably also be the best way to describe Tidus' thought process as he continued to just... well, stare. It wasn't until Jecht started stumbling over his words that the boy seemed to be shaken out of his chance- literally shaking his head at that. At first, he had thought for sure that he was seeing things. That this couldn't be real. After all, he had just seen him that morning. It just didn't make any sense! But then nothing really had since he had woken up outside of the city and been shuffled inside shortly after. Not that he hadn't seemed to take it in stride for the most part. Seriously, things were way too interesting for him to be freaking out. So, really, this revelation was the first of things to make him go 'WHAT'S GOING ON?'

...To which he did just that. Sputteringly so.

"But you- You- The hair and the beard and the- Whoa, is that armor?" Yeah, okay, back to distractions. Can't blame the awesome piece of work there though. Maybe he could find something like that in the- Whoa, wait a moment. BACKING UP TO THE ( ... )


finalfayth August 11 2011, 20:33:55 UTC
"Hey... HEY!" it was hard keeping track of the kid when he seemed to be going at top speed from one point to another. He never was the best one to deal with the hyperactivity, either. The missus seemed to be able to handle most of that... "Q-quit it!" he shouted, "Stop pullin' on everything!" he grumbled, trying to compose himself.

"Whaddya mean? Did you hit your head or somethin' kid?" his tone probably could have used some work, as he sounded more accusatory than anything -- "I've had this tattoo since before you were even born! Don't tell me you don't recognize the symbol of your own HOME TEAM!"


blitzdream August 20 2011, 15:13:08 UTC
Hey, HEY- He couldn't really help it, honestly. There was his dad- but it wasn't his dad! Admittedly though, he did at least pause when Jecht started shouting at him, then taking a step back. It was always hard to overpower his father's yelling anyway- but was this really his dad?

Wait- Did he hit his head or- Oh, that got a roll of his eyes and a shout of 'No!' He hadn't. At least... he was pretty sure he hadn't. But the way Jecht looked so serious about things- specifically about that tattoo -it threw him and made him blink for a second. But then the next, he was on the defense, both baffled and a little more than indignant. "Well, I don't! How am I even supposed to- What are you even talking about, 'Home Team'?"


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