The Doctor paced, for lack of a better word, through the city, restless and not feeling up to doing anything that was much worth doing. He'd annoyed the security guards at the museum with a thoroughly insensitive critiquing of all the artwork in the damned building; he'd stalked the library at the academy, muttering until the librarian gave him a stern glance over her glasses that made him stalk right back out, still muttering (albeit like a properly-chastised schoolboy). And finally, he came to the conclusion that all this would get him nowhere.
Really, there was only one thing to do: socialize. And so he did, walking right up to the very first person he saw who wasn't a bloody citizen - a stern-looking young man with glasses. "Hello, there!"
So engrossed was Jade with the machine in his hands that he didn't immediately react to the Doctor. A few seconds after his approach, he blinked behind his glasses and lifted his red gaze to the strange man in the bow-tie. In other circumstances, he might have been able to smile disarmingly right away, but as it was, he was still adjusting to these new surroundings. So his expression was one of genuine surprise for the briefest moment.
"Hm? Oh...hello." And then the smile came, the small, amused little curve of his mouth. "Forgive me, I was distracted by this interesting little machine. I didn't expect to find anyone willing to approach me."
"Lucky I came along, then," replied the Doctor. "Most of the citizens don't have anyone home, so to speak. D'you know, I think they might be some form of artificial lifeform. I'll have to check." Come to think of it, he hadn't sonicked anyone lately; maybe he should try doing that to a guard. Later, though; the Doctor wasn't exactly in the mood for sonic science.
"Ah, yes, the journals. Pretty useful, though I'm all but convinced they're rigged or something. You'll want to watch what you put on them; I don't know why, but I think we're being watched." Really, he wasn't intending to cause any sort of paranoia, but this place was a lot less pleasant than it looked at first glance. Best to be prepared.
Jade looked down at the journal in question, one hand to his chin as he mused over the Doctor's words. "I suppose that's the kind of risk an open communication format generates. I wonder if it's possible to encode messages..." He snapped the journal shut and placed it inside his coat, giving the Doctor his full attention.
"Thank you for being so informative. I should have guessed by your looks that you were different. Are you saying you aren't a citizen, then? Or maybe one of the lucky few that's been properly socialized."
"You know," replied the Doctor, "I think it is, but I haven't tried it yet." It was a busy time when the Doctor didn't have a moment to poke something with a stick. He gave Jade an easy shrug and a typically disarming smile. "Me? Of course I'm different. I'm the Doctor. Who might you be?" He stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned forward a bit. The other man seemed human. Well, Time Lord; they came first, but they were scarce these days (understatement of the decade).
Comments 22
Really, there was only one thing to do: socialize. And so he did, walking right up to the very first person he saw who wasn't a bloody citizen - a stern-looking young man with glasses. "Hello, there!"
"Hm? Oh...hello." And then the smile came, the small, amused little curve of his mouth. "Forgive me, I was distracted by this interesting little machine. I didn't expect to find anyone willing to approach me."
"Ah, yes, the journals. Pretty useful, though I'm all but convinced they're rigged or something. You'll want to watch what you put on them; I don't know why, but I think we're being watched." Really, he wasn't intending to cause any sort of paranoia, but this place was a lot less pleasant than it looked at first glance. Best to be prepared.
"Thank you for being so informative. I should have guessed by your looks that you were different. Are you saying you aren't a citizen, then? Or maybe one of the lucky few that's been properly socialized."
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