Character(s): Rinoa, and Squall
Content: Rinoa and Squall meet up for the first time in Paixao. Or atleast the first time as far as Rinoa's concerned.
Setting: Niflheim Gate
Time: Week 32
Warnings: None for the moment
Having wandered off from it earlier, Rinoa made her way back to the gate, trying to make it easier for Squall to eventually find her. )
Comments 23
She wasn't hard to find, even in the crowd of people milling around the gate. He could probably have found her even in a crowd of brunettes, to be honest, and there was the start of a smile on his face as he made his way towards where she was waiting.
As the time ticked by, her hand moved up to grip the Griever ring out of a habit. So many questions wandered through her mind. Some of those questions had been answered by others over the journal, but that hardly seemed to lessen the amount of them. Perhaps when Squall arrived he would be able to clue her in more.
The moment she spotted him, the thoughts in her mind instantly vanished for the moment and were replaced by Squall as she quickly moved forward to meet him, her hand waving in the air to make sure he saw her, even if she already knew he did. "Squall!"
The start of a smile that had been on his face earlier was just about threatening to make it into a proper smile at Rinoa's wave. Even if he hadn't really needed it, it was a welcome sight, and he picked up his pace as he made his way over to her.
He didn't say anything though. He figured the hug itself would be answer enough.
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