On Letting Go [Active]

Apr 03, 2011 01:34

Character(s): Timon, Pumbaa, and the cubs Simba, Kiara and Kovu.
Content: Days of Our Lions goes on.
Setting: The zoo that has become of Vyers' apartment.
Time: Morning.
Warnings: Manly tears and bromance?

Even after they had been assured Simba would be alright Timon showed no signs of leaving the lion’s side. )

pumbaa, simba, timon, kiara, kovu, week 29

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Comments 38

learntoloveem April 3 2011, 21:09:22 UTC
Pumbaa's eyes flashed open. "Huh? Who? What?" His head darted back and forth, trying to find those juicy, yummy bugs he'd been dreaming about, but then he realized he'd woken up. He looked back at Timon and whined a little. "Awww, Timoooon, I was having a really nice dream. There was a great big log stuffed with all kinds of bugs, and you and me and Simba were there, and there were other logs nearby with even more bugs!"

But Pumbaa stopped talking once he saw Timon. Something was wrong with his bestest best friend. "Timon...what happened? Are you all right?" A pause, then another thought, spoken a little softer, with a little more concern. "Did something happen to Simba?"


cowardly_hero April 4 2011, 05:57:11 UTC
“I’m fine.” Timon replied quietly, rubbing his arm in discomfort. He quickly looked away from the warthog, his gaze wandering back to Simba. “That… Idiot over there went and... and… was stupid enough ta… Ugh!” The meerkat clenched his fists and stomped in place, seemingly at a loss of words. “Why, when he wakes up, I outta…!” He was furious. No doubt about it. But in contrast to the usual frustration he sprouted it seemed so… empty, so forced. Timon was unsure what to do with himself other than shout and tromp around as he usually did, that was the release he knew and, unfortunately, it wasn’t working ( ... )


learntoloveem April 4 2011, 21:53:40 UTC
Pumbaa couldn't do anything but watch with a sad look on his face as Timon reacted to what had happened. He wanted to give his friend a hug, but right as he started to move closer Timon looked even more sad than before. It took the warthog a moment to decide, but he pulled Timon in for a big, squeezing tight hug ( ... )


cowardly_hero April 6 2011, 19:02:06 UTC
The meerkat may not have shown protest his friends embrace but his body certainly did. His joints creaked in pain and limbs twitched with a clear dislike of the pressure they were under. Was there no such thing as a gentle hug with Pumbaa? Honestly, the warthog seemed to put his heart into just about everything. And if Timon could breathe, he would find the act almost comforting. But the thought alone would suffice for now. He patted his friends arm to assure him he was alright… at least, as close as he got to it in the warthogs tight grip ( ... )


learntoloveem April 7 2011, 21:27:15 UTC
"But Timon, Simba and Kovu are both really strong! I bet if they always go out together they'll have nothing to worry about." The warthog's joviality belied just how worried he was, but he wasn't going to show that when Timon was already feeling like this. The feeling would pass, and then the three of them could all go out and look at the stars again or something. And they'd make sure to be close to somewhere Kovu was in case Zira showed up.

"Simba wasn't doing so hot when we first met him, either," Pumbaa added. There was a beat, then Pumbaa's face screwed up. "Why would Kovu hide his face?"


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