Character(s): Toph, Fran, and anyone who might bump into them?
Content: Toph trying to pick more fights with other people stuck in Paixao. Looks like it's Fran's turn.
Setting: Cafe Ersesat
Time: Lunch times! OMNOMNOMNOM
Warnings: Just Toph being her spunky, rude self. I don't know about Fran though...
Toph was no stranger to Cafe Erestat. )
Comments 20
Toph chomped a bit more before going on. "So, do those things on your head ever get caught on stuff? I don't think they'd be very good to have in a fight. Someone could grab them and swing you around like a rag doll." No, Toph still wasn't taking the viera seriously, and she had no intention of doing so in the first place. At least, not until it proved that it wasn't as goofy as it seemed it was.
She wasn't surprised by the answer. The earlier mention of 'pig-rabbits' had implied some world she wasn't familiar with, and she already knew that most of the people here fell firmly into the category of people who hadn't heard of viera. But neither did that mean that frankly idiotic question would be tolerated.
"They would be welcome to try," she answered, in a tone that suggested that anyone who tried would find things going less than well for them.
What, precisely an 'earthbender' was she less certain on but that wasn't enough to stop her. If the rude hume wished a fight, so be it.
"Best to not stay in here, then."
She really hoped that the viera would be worth this. She didn't want boring fights like the ones she had to deal with in the tournament.
"Oh, the name's Toph." She started picking her nose as she left the cafe.
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