Character(s): Auron, Jecht & Yuna
Content: The trio head towards the mockery of the world they once knew...
Setting: SPIRA: Macalania -> ?
Time: Week 26?
Warnings: Jecht's possible mouth? Though he'll be watching it what with the lady around an' all...
Honestly, he felt rather uncomfortable even just _standing_ there. )
Comments 34
A part of her was afraid to go any further. The one good thing about this place was that at least Guadosalam and the Farplane weren't here. She'd have refused to go anywhere near the Farplane and would have had a hard time explaining that one.
A frown had creased Yuna's pretty face the moment they stepped out into Macalania. "I don't like it," she admitted. "It feels wrong." And if it was something created from their memories, then that explained everything. For all she knew, this was the Macalania from two years past... not the Macalania she knew anymore.
"This... isn't right, not anymore."
And she definitely didn't like it. A large part of her wanted to turn around and go back, but she couldn't. ( ... )
"We have walked these roads before. Let's go," he said, beginning to walk toward the exit.
Jecht's intention was to take the lead of the group. That way, if there were dangers ahead, he could take care of them. Not that he didn't think the High Summoner and former Legendary Guardian weren't capable of fending for themselves -- this was just the sort of role that suited him, in the end.
He carried his sword strapped to his back as he parted some of the branches in front of him. "To tell ya the truth, I never figgered I'd be back in this place again..."
...She still missed his voice, missed knowing he would be there with her.
Yuna shook herself a little and nodded once to Auron, walking forward. She would fall into whatever place was needed of her now. A glance was spared to Jecht at his words.
"I... wish you could see the Spira that I know now. It's grown and changed so much."
So much... and yet so little at the same time. It was different and yet much the same.
He couldn't see this new Spira. No matter how much he wanted to, he couldn't and he knew that. This world of memories was closer to the world he belonged in than Yuna's Spira ever would be. All of this he left unsaid. It wasn't his place.
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