These deceptions we play [active]

Jun 25, 2010 21:31

Character(s): Zexion and the Master
Content: Zexion upholds his end of a deal
Setting: Outside City Hall
Time: The morning after this post
Warnings: Deception, illusion, the Master's crazy

To be quite honest, Zexion hadn't intended for things to end up as they had. )

the master, zexion

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Comments 13

mastertemplate June 26 2010, 18:51:00 UTC
The Master had been perched on the rooftops throughout the entire morning, failing to rest himself with sleep or food. He wanted to stay hungry and driven in his conversation with "Praetoris." While he was confused as to whether the one who had spoken to him anonymously was Marcus or if the new talkative member of the message boards had been elected, he knew that he had a date to keep. He was going to gain answers one way or the other, whether it would be from the mayor himself or someone who was willing to go out of their way to imitate them. The reasoning on their part was beyond consideration when it came to the frayed sanity of The Master.

He spotted the flower on a person from his gargoyle perspective and grinned. Landing on the ground with a quick thud, he began trudging his way past the crowds on his way to his host.


sceadu_gemynd June 28 2010, 23:28:55 UTC
While the man he was pretending to be might not have noticed it, Zexion spotted the blur of motion coming down off of the rooftops. Either there was more at work here than first there seemed or his as-of-yet unknown contact had a habit of lurking on the roofs. Both perfectly possible, and both nothing immediately worth alarm.

(Oh, he could smell the rising darkness, deep and twisted and unsettling in ways that he would have had to have been darkness-blind to not feel and understand, but forewarned was forearmed. He wasn't about to trust this many any further than he could throw Lexaeus.)

Of course, he couldn't greet the man before he arrived without giving himself away, so he simply waited, his face not moving from its mask of impatience and boredom.


mastertemplate June 29 2010, 18:25:15 UTC
He had finally reached the point of space only feet in front of his host. He looked him over and took a deep breath in, as though "Praetoris" had a scent that contained all the answers he was looking for. With a look of disgust and contempt, The Master looked to the disguised man and walked around to stand immediately beside him and look straight ahead as though he were just joining in the bird-watching.

He waited patiently for his new friend to make the first move.


sceadu_gemynd June 29 2010, 20:08:20 UTC
He wouldn't have to wait very long. Zexion wasn't about to make much of a point of actually turning to look at the Master, but he was well aware that the man was there and that he was (presumably) the person that he was here to meet. The rest was nothing more than so much extraneous detail. Things that could be filled out later.

"Good morning," he began, in a voice that wasn't at all his own. No sense in doing things by halves, after all.


mastertemplate June 29 2010, 22:42:58 UTC
The Master arched his brows as though "Praetoris" had just woken him from a peaceful sleep. His eyes continued to look out onto the various people in the crowd, but he slightly turned his head and slipped a response back. "Haven't got any food on you, do you?" he asked with a deeper and more brusque voice. He didn't care to have conversations on the quality of the day or the inconsistent nature of the weather.

"No matter," he recanted, "That's not what we're here for. I assume you're Praetoris?"


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