A nice day's stroll [Active, Open]

Apr 18, 2010 23:23

Characters: Dahlia Hawthorne, Captain Hook and Setzer
Content: Dahlia waits for Captain Hook and Setzer so that they can go for a little walk.
Setting: Outside the City Hall
Time: On a jolly afternoon
Warnings: Dahlia and Captain Hook.

Dahlia stood outside the city hall, waiting for the two men to come and greet her.. )

dahlia hawthorne, captain hook, setzer, week 20

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Comments 11

pinkmeansevil April 30 2010, 19:20:45 UTC
Dahlia then realised that she had not told Setzer that another would be coming. Oh, well. He did not seem to object. No need to 'apologise' to him.

Captain Hook? Dahlia did not know what he was captain of. And the feeling that the man gave off made her unsure if he would actually tell her. "Not really," she answered him, looking awkward. "I only came here a couple of weeks ago and it's so easy to get lost here."


withwingstofly May 1 2010, 00:33:16 UTC
'Captain' was it? An odd thing to find in such a place, given the lack of both seas and skies, but Setzer supposed that if could still call himself a airship pilot then this man could call himself 'Captain'. Probably a ship's captain, if that lovely hook was any indication, although Setzer would hardly be commenting on that.

"Oh, I've been here long enough," he answered with a slight shrug.

Long enough to have gotten thoroughly bored of the whole affair, but those details were, again, going to stay with him.


handnorhook May 3 2010, 03:09:15 UTC
Hook raised a brow at Dahlia’s response. “Well, perhaps Mister Setzer would do us the pleasure of giving us a tour of sorts around the city?” he asked before turning his attention to the gambler. “Although any helpful information or precautions you know of would work just as well. I have heard greatly of these creatures called ‘Heartless’ but nothing about them nor this abomination.” The pirate gestured to the wall of thorns surrounding city hall in dislike. He never could understand Maleficent’s decorating, even if the thorns themselves were intended to keep people out.

He was fairly familiar with the city himself but was rather curious what its visitors had discovered themselves. Perhaps they knew something he didn’t, most importantly about this so called ‘Organization Thirteen’. They were a most intriguing group.


pinkmeansevil May 7 2010, 23:21:12 UTC
So the man did know much about the city - or did not appear to, anyway. Dahlia felt that he probably knew more than he let on. Sadly, she could not push him without risk of being her cover being blown.

"That might be a good idea sir," she said, smiling before turning to the gambler. "Mr. Setzer, I hope it won't be too much trouble for you."


withwingstofly May 8 2010, 01:27:05 UTC
Any helpful information? Most of what Setzer knew was the same things anyone could find bandied across the journals. Perhaps someday he'd take a trip beyond the boundaries the city itself, but for now he was mostly content to keep an eye on what little he'd had so far.

(Some day, perhaps, he'd remark on how sedentary he'd gotten, but perhaps that was a result of not having a real sky at hand.)

"Not in the least," he answered with a smile. "Is there anything you particularly wanted to see?"


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