Character(s): Scar, open
Content: Scar has found out about St. Destino, thanks to a certain journal post
Setting: By the time it's open, Destiny Islands
Time: ...sometime during the day
Warnings: hopefully none
Scar gave a quiet laugh to himself as he listened to the voice posts of the girls on the journal. )
Comments 19
Besides, he wasn't without his share of curiosity, understated though it was. Getting out through the gates was - as always - a bit of a hassle, but it didn't take too long, and from there it was a simple enough matter to get to where the door was supposed to be. And from there it was a simple matter to push through the door to the 'islands'.
If it weren't for that fact that it weren't real it would have been quite nice, really. But since it wasn't, Squall simply turned his attentions to exploring the islands.
Really, what was she doing? Going off on her own like this? She'd resolved to no longer sit around and to actually attempt to find her own way back to Veldime, and possibly even find where Adell had vanished to. Now, however, doubts were starting to well up.
She'd never done anything like this on her own. Rozalin had only ever been with Adell and everyone else doing things like this. Going off on an adventure like this on her own was... well... strange? She wasn't certain it was entirely a good idea now that she was here. Yet, she really didn't want to just keep sitting around. She was tired of waiting for something to happen that might not ever happen, whatever that might even be ( ... )
He leaped up to an outcropping of rock, where he looked down upon these two new figures. They were bipeds, and both wore rather dark clothing--but they stood out starkly against the many he'd seen in the city. Perhaps one of them was the female who'd received those directions from the girl. It would be foolish to do anything but observe, for now. Perhaps they would interact, and he could learn more. With luck, what he learned from them would be useful. Though it was best not to get his hopes up.
After all, it was entirely possible that there was something more worth his while here.
What an annoying place! Not to mention it was far too bright. If she was to spend a good deal of time here she'd really need a parasol. Not that she had any plans to stay here, however.
A cave in a niche. What kind of description was that, anyways? What exactly would be considered a 'niche'? Her patience growing thin already, she backtracked a bit trying to spot the entrance.
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