Character(s): Aisling and whomever would like to stumble across her.
Content: Aisling arrives in Paixao.
Setting: The vicinity of Muspelheim
Time: Dusk
Warnings: Annoying little fairy-wolf thing ;)
Aisling blinked. A moment ago, the white wolf’s forest had been illuminated with a flash of lightning... )
Comments 15
Intrigued, she watched it a moment, then put away the small device she'd been given and began to follow.
She tailed the wolf at a distance - not as comfortable a distance as she would have liked, but any further back and she would lose it in the streets - for several minutes before it slowed. Sheik matched its pace. Seeing it up close reinforced her first impression, that this creature was something more than a wolf, and if that was so - well.
She closed the distance a little, just enough to let it notice her presence, although her footsteps remained as silent as before. Beyond that, she would let the wolf make the first move.
In the flash of an instant, the wolf crouched, then shot straight upward! Yet, she seemed hardly a wolf at all! Long, silver hair trailed behind her form, and delicate hands grasped the ornate, Victorian details on the walls as she scaled the nearest building. A moment later, a girl far smaller than the wolf perched on the rooftop, before crouching, hiding all but her eyes.
A high, youthful voice called out. “Who are you?”
"My name is Sheik," she called upward, not unduly loud. "Who are you?"
"What kind of place is this?" She made a grand gesture with her hands. "Where are the trees?"
"If I'm to answer your questions, then you must answer mine as well," she replied, folding her arms across her chest.
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