Character(s): Tris, Briar
Content: Tris talks to Briar about where they went when they seperated, and tries to forget about the Fortriss.
Setting: Actua Are in the middle of town
Time: Wednesday Morning
Warnings: Tris might start going emo over the lack of half of their quartet~
Tris watched Marluxia and Demyx leave with a small pang of regret. )
Comments 14
Because it's just as easy and natural as talking in our heads? he replied. "I don't know if she's been putting anything in my food, but I wouldn't put it past her."
Chammur is, well, it's different. Everything's made out of stone, and the city is just so old, so tired... And there are two sets of roadways around most of the city! What was Thairos like?
"But my past... few days here in Paixao have been horrible, though," she said somberly. "Marluxia? He helped me escape from this... this place. There's someone in this city whose magic is blacker than anything I've seen," she said. "Appearantly, his name is Ansem." She left Briar with a strong impression of what, exactly, had happened, not caring for words on that matter.
It still had her upset.
I ran into a case of deaths, too, in Chammur, he told his sister. This rich lady had a pet gang and when someone displeased her, or snooped around, she killed them and then had them buried in the gardens. Her plants were very happy little things, but the choice of fertilizer was... And he left it at that.
She hummed a little. "...Sandry would blend in all too well, here in Paixao."
Did you try meditating? he asked. Surprise of surprises, he was very pleased to be with Tris, to have a familiar face in such a strange place. It was a comfort beyond words.
"Hah," she muttered. "Found my brother, and without the help of that dirty little traitor." The word 'traitor' was associated with a clear image of Kadaj and an ember of hatred.
And I'm glad we did. I don't know what I would do without a familiar face, he added silently. And I hope we find that bastard together, so that he can incur both your wrath, and mine.
Briar, look through my eyes... You'll get a kick out of my new trick, if it happens... Amusement lined the weather-witch's features.
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