Characters: Team TARDIS! ...Tanaka is now a member of Team TARDIS. Yes.
Content: Rosette and Tanaka make it to the TARDIS...only to find themselves locked out. Um.
Setting: At the TARDIS (I9 Area)
Time: Early afternoon, week 12 [BACKDATED]
Warnings: None
It should be around here somewhere, Rosette mused, looking over her shoulder at Tanaka. )
Comments 6
In all honesty, it was a combination of desperation and curiosity. He hadn't had the exact helpfulness in letting Rosette into the city, since she already knew the place, so he had to help her in some way. Making sure she got back safe had to count for something. And this TARDIS place... he'd heard something about it before. From Rose back at the pool, if he remembered right. Vague interest in the place had prompted Tanaka to take a look, at least.
When she approached the place, though, he had to stare a moment, then look around. That tiny little stall. Was there... more underneath? Tanaka just gave Rosette a bemused gaze. "I take it you... don't have a spare key on you, then," he finally managed. He frowned and looked around again. "You told him you were coming, didn't you? It shouldn't be
She caught Tanaka looking around. Oh. He probably hadn't been here before, huh. "It's bigger on the inside," she said offhandedly, as though that explained everything - which, strange as it sounded, it did.
"Yeah, I hope so." She shook her head and couldn't help but smile. "Knowing him, he got caught up somewhere. Somebody'll be along soon. Should be, at least."
She recognized Rosette from being around before. But didn't recognize the person she was with. Interesting uniform, at least. "Doctor has us locked out, doesn't he?"
Oh wait. These two probably didn't know each other, huh. "Donna, this is Tanaka. I met him at the gate. Tanaka, this is Donna."
It was feeling more and more like he must be imposing, at this point. Neither of the women had a key, apparently, and even if they were welcome in this TARDIS thing, he was wondering if he had the right to be invited. Perhaps he should leave? ...No, he had come to make sure Rosette got in safe, and he was here to do just that.
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