Character(s): Lei'ella, Iago, Neirenn
Content: Lei'ella finds herself in Paixao, and literally in the dark about it
Setting: Niflheim Gate
Time: Week Nine, Dark o'clock?
Warnings: None really, just a trigger happy stabbity-prone, angry elf... Unless Iago counts as a warning? <3
Give me one reason not to kill you. )
Comments 29
"If you can see better than I, then by all means, LEAD THE WAY!" Lei'ella snapped, completely startled by not only being attacked, but at being attacked by the loudest, most obnoxious disembodied voice she could imagine, that was now screeching somewhere around her ankles. Her daggers were drawn out of reflex, though she wasn't sure they would be necessary. She could almost make out the bright, small shape of the creature at her feet. She stepped aside, out of the way of the... bird?
"Don't let me get in your way," she muttered, daggers replaced into their sheathes. What sort of cretins inhabited this city? Was this one of the locals that someone had mentioned to her?
(OOC ( ... )
In the brief light, Neirenn saw the familiar face of the elf, in the clothing she and Varden had stolen after what had happened in the watchtower. But she's still from the past.
And she looked pretty aggravated, too. That was only to be expected. "Lei'ella!" Neirenn said with a smile, not noticing the bird at her feet yet.
Frank as ever, Iago didn't bother to move around much while talking, or even to gesture, since no one could see him anyway.
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