A Fine Mess. [Closed]

Feb 19, 2006 13:41

Character(s): Ryoma Sakamoto, and whomever wants to run into him~
Content: Ryoma gets shot and then enters the gates. D:
Setting: Muspelheim.
Time: Thursday afternoon.
Warnings: Violence, gunshot wound.

It was raining. )

muspelheim, completed, isaac

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Comments 24

redcha0s February 21 2006, 01:34:44 UTC
It was only a few moments after he had escaped from that silver haired man that Isaac came across someone else, someone different. No, someone very different. Isaac had only known a handful of people in his life and none of them had looked like that before. And since he was never one to conceal his emotions he just stood there for a moment, mouth gaping open, staring at the man, in awe (or something like that, maybe shock?).

Isaac only noticed a minute later that there seemed to be something red on him, "Oh, hehe..." he murmured quietly to himself before extending a lanky, gloved, arm to point in the other's direction. "You're bleeeeeding." he whined at him in an almost erotic manner, his voice somewhere between disgust and delight.

After saying that he just expected the other to run off.


heartglasses February 21 2006, 01:47:46 UTC
Ryoma paused and blinked, taking in the sight of the man before him. Well. That was certainly something you didn't see every day. These westerners were really peculiar, weren't they? Ah well, at least it was someone! And he seemed to be concerned for his wound. Er, or so he thought...

Blinking, Ryoma smiled lop-sidedly and bowed his head to him, lifting up his good arm and giving a shallow bow as he removed his hat. "Uh... yep. Hey there, ya think ya could direct me to the nearest doctor 'er somethin'? I kinda needa get this bullet here removed 'fore I get all kindsa who knows whats on my arm."


redcha0s February 21 2006, 01:56:03 UTC
"Hehe..." a weird, creepy, grin slipped up Isaac's cheeks slowly and he incessantly giggled to himself for a long moment. "Can't direct you... Oh no, I can't!" he shook his head back and forth, and then looked behind him briefly then back at the gentleman infront of him. "There're no doctors in hell." he whispered. Isaac wasn't trying to 'pull a funny' on the stranger, he'd been told by the man that this was hell and he had to believe that, what else could he have believed? "I'll help though." he said, those wide white irises licking at foreign coloured skin and attire. Needless to say that he found this bleeding dark-skinned man very attractive -unique was always something that lured in Isaac.

Needless to say, nobody should trust Isaac when it comes to medical practices. Especially when he's got that look in his eyes.

"I can touch your skin, can't I? It looks so..." what was the word? "...different."


heartglasses February 21 2006, 02:58:09 UTC
"Aw, damn." Ryoma groaned in disappointment, looking back and forth as if a doctor would somehow magically pop up into view because he needed one. Sigh.

He looked back to Isaac then, and quirked a brow. "Hell? Might as well be, it's full of westerners..." That sentance was grumbled under his breath, but his mind wandered to other things... Different? His skin looked different? Ryoma smiled slowly and chuckled hoarsely to himself, shaking his head. "Nothin' wrong with it, just it's natural color. But I hafta say yours is pretty interestin' too. All them tattoos, must've hurt a helluva lot, huh?"


redcha0s February 21 2006, 03:06:21 UTC
His lips parted in a wide smile, showing a few teeth (which were in pretty good condition considering his lifestyle). "Yes yes... Heehee... Hurted." his eyes didn't settle for a moment, it was as if he was paranoid that someone was going to come up behind him and attack him. "Hurt many times and it bleeded, hehehe... Hehehe!" Isaac wasn't particularly good at concealing his masochistic tendencies, it seemed. But despite being altogether weird and creepy Isaac didn't actually mean this stranger any harm.

He took one step closer, followed by another and reached out a gloved hand to touch the other (even without permission, and with gloves he wouldn't really feel anything, but he still wanted to).


heartglasses February 21 2006, 03:09:38 UTC
"...interestin'." Ryoma arched a brow at him again. Alright, so he was suddenly not very interested in getting help from this man, at least medically. But he was definately a pretty interesting individual, not even like any of the Americans he'd seen before. He didn't talk quite like an American though. It was a different sort of language. He wondered... hmmm.

Ah well. Looking down, he watched him touch him, and blinked several times. "So, uh, you mind me askin' yer name, partner? 'M Sakamoto Ryoma, you can jis' call me Ryoma 'er whatever if'n ya like."


redcha0s February 21 2006, 03:19:43 UTC
Leather fingertips smeared the skin as if expecting it to somehow change under pressure,it didn't, at which Isaac was slightly disappointed. It took a while for Ryoma to milk an answer out of Isaac, he was far too busy staring at this oddity infront of him. "I'm called Isaac... You have a strange name." What a hard name to pronounce, so many vowels.

After a moment or two of stroking the other's chest he finally let his arm flop loosely down by his side. He stared directly into Ryoma's eyes for a long second with his pale irises then they darted off again, nervously. "You could die." he said, refering to the wound, even though it probably wasn't fatal Isaac felt obligated to say something.


heartglasses February 21 2006, 03:27:07 UTC
His expression darkened slightly as Isaac said that last sentance. He was right, actually; as far as Ryoma new, if the wound wasn't properly cared for it could get gangrinous and he'd probably lose it; and who knew where else it would spread to on his body.

Yeugh. Just the thought of that made him cringe. But he smiled again and laughed, shaking his head. "Look, it'll be alright as long as I find me a doctor. Do ya think ya kin help me look?"


redcha0s February 21 2006, 03:33:03 UTC
"Help?" Isaac wasn't usually the sort to help, it wasn't really in that black ooze he called blood but... He supposed that this guy wasn't too bad, he did let him touch his skin afterall. "Ok. But... Don't know this place very well." He warned the other, his head looking about him lazily trying to spot a man in white robes. That was a doctor, right?

He took a couple of steps forward -his boots clopping on the floor like horses hooves- and turned back to Ryoma as if to say 'come on'.


heartglasses February 21 2006, 03:40:58 UTC
"S'okay, I dunno where I'm goin' around here either. But a second set'a eyes never hurt, did it?" he said, beginning to move after Isaac on their hunt for a doctor. Unfortunately, Ryoma hadn't the slightested about magic, much less knew the fact that it existed, and so he didn't think to call for a healer on the boards or anything. Hell, he didn't even know what his journal WAS yet.

He always did it the hard way, anyway. Sigh. Heading through the town, they walked, until they actually did find something that was a hospital. It would be up to Isaac to notice it, however, because Ryoma couldn't read any of the Roman letters much less know what a more modern hospital even looked like...


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