Character(s): Larsa and Braska
Content: Larsa goes to talk about the Resistance
Setting: Cafe Ersesat near the Niflheim gate
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: Excessive cute? idk really
Thinking of joining a Resistance force was not something the prince had ever considered before. )
Comments 27
Still, the young boy seemed to be quite mature for what the High Summoner could tell of his age. He wondered why.
With the air of a young prince, Larsa approached the man. "Excuse me, I am Larsa Solidor and I am looking for a man named Braska. Perhaps you could aid me?"
Braska smiled at the young man. "I assume you are Larsa? I am Braska. It is a pleasure to meet you." He bowed politely, only barely restraining himself from performing the traditional bow of Yevon. Even now it was so difficult to break habit.
"Come, let us sit inside," he offered, gesturing toward the door in invitation.
Turning, he strode through the doors and waited to see where to go from here. Things were so different and he was still learning what to do and how to do it.
"You said you had questions for me?" Braska asked, folding his hands in front of him on the table after the waiter, a young, blond native, had left. "What can I do to help?"
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