Come Into My Parlor [completed]

Dec 28, 2008 22:31

Characters:  Kefka, Celes, Setzer
Content:  FFVI heroes meet FFVI villain.  DUN DUN DUN.
Setting:  The Central Station
Warnings:  Kefka, and everything that comes with him

Time really did go by far too slowly when one was bored, Kefka had decided. )

kefka, central station, setzer, completed, celes chere

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Comments 34

generalfloozy December 29 2008, 20:16:44 UTC
Celes was in no way ready to be his prize again, but she'd fake it if she had to. She'd done that once before. She'd do it again if time and a situation warranted. At least she knew she'd have Setzer's support no matter what happened. He knew she was on his side and never would be on Kefka's. If anything happened, she'd only be faking an alliance with the psychotic man, nothing more.

So with a deep breath, she headed out for the place where Kefka was waiting. She let Setzer tell her where exactly it was, since she still wasn't familiar with the lay of the place.

She hadn't expected to have company at first, but now she was kind of glad she did. It would be easier with someone else on her side. She kept her head high as they approached the designated meeting spot. "Are you prepared?" she asked of her companion. As for herself, her two swords - Illumina and Ragnarok) swung by her sides, held in place by their respective sheaths. Her energy was humming inside her, ready to cast a spell at the drop of a hat.


withwingstofly December 29 2008, 22:27:35 UTC
Was he ready? The answer was somewhere between 'yes' and 'no'. There was nothing that could really compare to meeting with Kefka. But that was the thrill of it, really. Lay your cards out on the table; see which hand had the better showing.

"As much as I can be without sky," he answered with an easy smile. He had his cards (he'd even thought to bring along the ones that exploded along with the usual set) and what few spells he'd bothered to learn before the destruction of the world.

Hopefully it would be enough. But it was all in the hands of his green-eyed Lady, now. Nothing for it but to go all in and trust to the cards, just like always.


thecourtgod December 30 2008, 23:37:39 UTC
Kefka boredly watched as magically-created flames danced from finger to finger, wrapping around delicately and nearly touching the tips of each finger only to jump back at the last second.

At least until they were sent an unwitting passerby's way.

The man jumped and screamed, attempting to put himself out while Kefka cackled. "Too hot for you?!" he jeered before launching into another peal of laughter.

The mage was interrupted, however, as he noticed the two Returners' arrival, and immediately he quieted himself, putting on an expression of disappointment. "I thought I told you not to keep me waiting... Tsk, tsk." He shook his head, putting a finger to his lips. "And here I thought the 'good guys' were always on time!"


generalfloozy December 31 2008, 18:48:19 UTC
Celes returned Setzer's response with a slight tilting upwards of her lips. She was nervous, so very nervous, but she wasn't going to show her nervousness, not in front of Setzer and sure as hell not in front of Kefka.

Her eyes finally landed on their adversary, ears having picked up the skin-prickling sound of his laughter long before. She adjusted her Genji Glove and Black Belt one last time as they approached. Her swords were kept close by her sides, but she didn't draw them yet, preferring not to give Kefka any reason to attack them right off the bat.

She did however, whisper one word under her breath: "Runic." With any luck at all, any spell Kefka threw at them would be absorbed. It would give them a small advantage anyway should things go awry.

Her expression was hard to read as she stopped a good distance away from the mage. She definitely didn't want to get too close to him, not yet. "I think your sense of time is off again, Kefka," she spat out.


withwingstofly January 1 2009, 20:33:04 UTC
Not giving Kefka a reason to attack just yet was perfectly fine by Setzer. The longer they managed that, the better luck they'd have. Hopefully. Hands got remarkably unpredictable in Kefka's presence, but he wasn't going to back out of this game. Not when it had only just begun.

"I don't recall there being a set time, either."

And really, it wasn't their fault if Kefka wasn't patient enough to wait for them, right?


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