A Moment of Peace [Complete]

Sep 03, 2008 20:04

Character(s): Genie and Lara Croft.
Content: Lara goes to the museum and meets Genie. Hilarity ensues. |D
Setting: Matteus Museum of Art
Time: Late afternoon
Warnings: None yet.

It had been a while since Lara had been in a museum as opposed to a tomb. )

lara croft, genie, matteus museum of art

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Comments 33

ttlynotblue September 4 2008, 22:01:50 UTC
Genie would never thrive as an art critic. Though the work of a critic is easy, regardless what he truly thought of a piece, negative criticism was not something the djinn would often share. Words of encouragement and optimism were the most likely to escape him. He wanted to inspire the artist, help them flourish apposed to hurt their feelings and possibly lead them to the end of their career. It was for this reason he stopped to admire even the smallest display. He did not quite understand every piece he had come across so far, but none the less enjoyed them ( ... )


livingalegend September 5 2008, 06:21:35 UTC
Lara, too, preferred to keep her opinions about art to herself - at least when not among her friends. She didn't particularly care about encouraging an artist or convincing him or her to quit. She rarely, in fact, gave any opinion to the artist unless they were speaking directly.

That said, however, it seemed a perfectly lovely museum to spend time in, and Lara was admiring the various pieces when she saw a rather ostentatious creature - a djinn, by the looks of it. That must surely be the Genie she spoke to over the journals, so Lara waved at him, giving him a cheerful grin.


ttlynotblue September 6 2008, 19:46:27 UTC
Did you ever get the feeling you were being watched? Genie did. Actually, he knew he was being watched. But the audience was much different then one would normally expect. -unless of course you had just finished watching 'The Truman Show'. But, at the moment, this feeling had nothing to do with you, the goof behind the keyboard, watching him.

Curiously, he brought his book down to find a beautiful woman waving at him. At least, he thought it was him. He looked behind him to make sure before waving back. A smile stretched across his lips as he zipped toward her, then back to where he had been previously standing to grab the guide he had dropped due to his quick movement.

"You were right, we did run into each other! You wouldn't happen to be some sort of oracle by chance, would you? I've seen them in many forms but... Would you mind if we take a picture together? It's for my scrapbook. Though, I'll be putting it in my slide show too. Unless, of course, you don't want to be in there, then just the scrapbook. Some people just don't feel ( ... )


livingalegend September 8 2008, 18:31:02 UTC
Lara couldn't help but chuckle at Genie's enthusiasm - and she could definitely see where it could be catching. "No," she laughed, once she could get a word in edgewise, "I'm not an oracle." Never mind that she had never believed in fate, having focused on becoming a master of her own - the very idea that her actions inevitably led to the same result didn't appeal to Lara in the least.

She raised an eyebrow at his request for a picture, but shrugged - why not? It wasn't as though this was her own world, after all, where the press had often tried to hound her into revealing her own secrets as well as those of others, the bloody idiots. "Very well," she said simply, smiling; she didn't particularly care what she looked like in pictures, especially since she preferred to spend her days swinging around trees or climbing mountains, or else examining an ancient tablet of some sort.


ttlynotblue September 9 2008, 17:57:45 UTC
Genie was overjoyed to hear Lara's response, and instantly threw his camera onto its tripod. Carefully adjusting its height, he used many tools to make his measurement exact: a ruler, a drafting compass, stopwatch, a calculator, a normal compass... He even licked his finger to check which direction the wind was coming from (regardless of the fact that they were in a building).

Joining the woman's side, he struck a playful pose and smiled at the camera. "Say 'Mickey'!" he said before pressing the extended shutter release button.

Nothing happened.

"... Hu, that's odd. Hopefully it not broken. Maybe the batteries just-" Suddenly, the entire museum was lit by a blinding light; a ridiculously bright flash was produced by Genie's camera. Once his eyes adjusted, the djinn chuckled to himself. "I may have placed too bright a bulb in there."

[ooc: kajgkaj LJ wasn't showing me that I posted... Then I forgot italics. Oro.]


livingalegend September 9 2008, 19:04:15 UTC
Lara chuckled a bit at Genie's careful ministrations; was all of that really needed? She watched, however, amused by his antics. Genie was quite eccentric, from what Lara had seen - but then again, Lara was considered eccentric herself, especially by those who disapproved of her chosen career.

"Mickey?" That was an odd way of smiling for the camera, but Lara said it anyway - she was already consenting to a picture, so what did it matter what she said? She gave a puzzled look at the camera's apparent malfunction... which was promptly captured by the camera finally working, followed by a number of blinks as she adjusted to the light again. "I quite agree."


ttlynotblue September 11 2008, 04:21:40 UTC
"Hopefully this isn't the last one I have. I just replaced bulbs yesterday." he explained, fiddling with his camera idly. "I think I picked this one up in China before I rode a rickshaw along the great Great Wall. I couldn't remember what my camera took and just bought any. Usually I keep a spare on me, but ( ... )


livingalegend September 11 2008, 04:59:58 UTC
Lara, too, couldn't help laughing, although she kept her own amusement comparatively quiet. Her lips were pursed in the photo, and an eyebrow was raised. The effect was, Lara thought, rather silly. She handed the photo back to Genie, still smiling. "At least you can't say the picture is boring."

Her brows knitted together at the question, and she looked at the picture again, seeming to give his question serious thought. "No," Lara replied, "I certainly don't think so." Not that she hadn't noticed that Genie was odd to begin with, but she had never received that question before, not even from her female friends.


ttlynotblue September 12 2008, 22:37:23 UTC
Genie nodded in agreement. He enjoyed pictures that captured the viewers eye instantaneously apposed to leisurely. Why, his very vacation slide show consisted of such images. This one would contribute wonderfully.

Giving a sigh of relief, Genie took the photo back and wiped the forming sweat from his forehead. "Whew! I was afraid all those chocolates I ate in Belgium had finally caught up with me. You know what they say about the sweets. 'Guuurl, all that's gunna go straight to your butt. Uh-hu!'"

He snapped his fingers and swayed rhythmically as though it helped convey his point.

"But forget about me, what about you? How are you? Have you seen the entire gallery yet? I just finished visiting the North West side. Very interesting pieces, most of the mythological sort. Of course, nothing compares to the plants outside. I wonder who the artist was behind that. It's simply remarkable. I wonder how it long took to weave all that grass. -oops! There I go again. My, my, how can I resist yeah? Mama Mia, does it show again?Zipping his ( ... )


livingalegend September 13 2008, 18:36:18 UTC
Lara couldn't help but wonder just how many of Genie's pictures ended up like this. "I don't really like sweets," she responded. She preferred to eat healthily, and although she did admittedly have the occasional sweet, she didn't enjoy them constantly. Junk food and archaeology didn't seem to mix well, especially when one had to be fast on their feet.

"No," Lara answered, "I arrived here not very long ago. The art here so far is interesting, however." Even if she didn't like some of the pieces, Lara didn't mention it - far be it from her to influence others' opinions on art.

"I do wonder why they have such things here as opposed to the real plants, where there are none outside." It was... suspicious, Lara thought.


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