Wanderlust in Vanaheim

Feb 20, 2008 23:40

Character(s): AndrAIa, Itachi, Marluxia, open
Content: Entrancey Stuff
Setting: Vanaheim Gate
Time: Midday
Warnings: None at this time

AndrAIa held the basic vidwindow in her hands, looking around the crowd with a dismayed expression. )

andraia, marluxia, uchiha itachi, vanaheim

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Comments 50

redeyesatnight February 21 2008, 06:14:21 UTC
Itachi had spent a lot of the morning wandering around the Vanaheim district, sorting out his experiences over the past few days. Amnesia and then blindness? It didn't make for a very pleasant experience. Then again, around this place, what did? Wandering seemed to be the only thing that he could do since he left the hotel. Not having other shinobi around seemed to make things rather dull.

"Excuse me. What game is this?" The words cut through Itachi's musings, bringing to the forefront ponderings on how he had ended up on the ground. He had been roaming the rooftops... Must've been too deep in thought to notice the change in altitude.

"I'm sorry," he told the girl who had hailed him. "This isn't a game. At least, not that I'm aware of." Although, wouldn't that be sickening to consider... that this was all one big game under the control of a rather sadistic creature...


escapedsprite February 21 2008, 06:30:02 UTC
"So I've been told," AndrAIa responded, a little glumly. She couldn't help but be disheartened by the lost identities of so many sprites, and all of them seemingly out of place. "And you're not a sprite either, are you?"

Expecting his response to be negative, she shook her head a little, tossing a wave of green hair over her shoulder. "As long as you're not a User... Is there anything you CAN tell me about this..." She trailed off then, suddenly finding herself at a loss as what she should call this place. "...World?" That seemed to be the going word.

Of course, SHE knew this was a game -- but for how long? The entire game seemed to be corrupted somehow...


redeyesatnight February 21 2008, 15:16:29 UTC
"A sprite?" Itachi blinked at AndrAIa and raised an eyebrow. Weren't sprites supposed to be playful spirits of the forest, or something? Why would a ninja qualify in that category? "I'm no sprite.... a user of what?"

This girl was throwing out terms he wasn't familiar with. It was more than a little frustrating at the moment. Honestly, who came into Paixao thinking it was a game?

"This city is called Paixao. As for the world around it, well, who knows? No one's managed to get off the island to try and go anywhere. For all anyone knows, we're in the middle of a vast ocean that goes on for miles. Even if you got out of the city, you'd likely never find another land-form beyond the island." And that was about as talkative as he felt like being for the moment. He was a ninja. Ninjas didn't go around giving out free information... at least, not frequently.


escapedsprite February 21 2008, 19:57:08 UTC
"Probably not, then," AndrAIa allowed, with a bit of a sigh. "A User plays the game against us." Lifting her shoulders in a slight shrug, the sprite conceded defeat -- at least for the moment.

"Paixao." It didn't ring even the faintest of bells. "I don't recognize your icon..." Lifting a finger, she pointed to Itachi's headband, and added, "If you aren't a sprite, what are you? And what are you doing here?"


redeyesatnight February 21 2008, 21:21:00 UTC
And so she continued with "the game," even after he had mentioned that this wasn't a game. Well, whatever.

"My icon?" It took Itachi a moment to realize that she was pointing to his hitai-ate. Of course she wouldn't recognize the symbol. It was blatantly clear that she wasn't from Konoha, or, for that matter, the Shinobi Continent. Then again, most of the people here seemed to be from somewhere other than the Continent... "..It's the symbol of my village, Konohagakure no Sato."

This girl's questions were so weird... He could understand that one couldn't tell by glance that he was a shinobi, but surely she knew he was human? "I'm a shinobi. And I'm here because I ended up here. Hell if I know how I got here or why."


escapedsprite February 22 2008, 04:25:39 UTC
"Shinobi?" AndrAIa was beginning to sound like Hack and Slash, and she knew it. With a sigh, she explained, "I'm sorry. I have no idea what that means. What's your function?"

His icon made some sort of sense, at least... It looked nothing like the icons she was accustomed to, but if this was a new sort of game, why should it?

"And can you recall anything about how you got here, anything at all?"


redeyesatnight February 22 2008, 05:29:46 UTC
Itachi schooled his features to mask his confusion. The technical terms that AndrAIa threw out were taking him a moment to decipher. He wasn't used to having them used in such a context. And he had to consider for a moment what he should actually tell her.

"I don't really know how to explain it," he admitted, or pretended to. Truth be told, the Uchiha had never had to tell someone else what a shinobi did, and it was kind of difficult to explain. There was so much more to it than the killing people part...

"All I really remember about arriving here was a flash of white light, and then being in front of the gate. I can't really tell you any more than that."


escapedsprite February 22 2008, 05:44:34 UTC
AndrAIa shrugged a bit. No, that did not sound at all familiar -- and it did not give her any clues as to what was going on here!

"I'm AndrAIa," she said, gracefully placing her fingertips on her chest, just beneath her collarbone. "I'm a sprite from the system Mainframe. I entered this game with a friend of mine. But I haven't seen him here yet. Someone told me I might not find him at all."


redeyesatnight February 22 2008, 22:43:30 UTC
Itachi regarded AndrAIa for a moment before actually deciding on a course of action for the present situation.

"Uchiha Itachi." He inclined his head, the briefest trace of a bow. "I don't know how likely it is that you'll find your friend here, but it won't hurt to keep an eye open for him."

Well now, hanging around with this... sprite... was going to be interesting, to say the least. Itachi had a feeling that it couldn't be anything but. And he was going to learn quite a bit, he was sure.


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