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Comments 30

notachimera January 16 2008, 01:52:33 UTC
Nina and Repliku had spent time looking around the festival, but had found no one, and soon it had been time to leave. The festival had been exciting--bright and colorful and filled with delicious foods and fun games--but by the end of the day Nina was tired, and once she and Repliku had gotten back to the hotel, she had fallen right asleep after talking to her box about the funnel cake.

Once she'd gotten the message from Ed, Nina was quick to run at top speed out of the room, down the stairs, and into the lobby, Alexander bounding along excitedly.

She peered through the crowds, balancing on Alexander to see, and spotted him in a moment. He was wearing different clothes than she was used to, and he looked older, but he was definitely Ed.

She hopped off of Alexander and went running again, fully intending to at the very least attach herself to one of his legs for a hug. Alexander was following, tail wagging.

"Small Big Brother!" Nina squealed. "You got bigger!"


faked_heart January 16 2008, 18:56:40 UTC
Repliku had been slightly disappointed at the fact they hadn't been able to find anyone at the festival but it had still been a fun day for the both of them so he hadn't minded too terribly. After they had gone back to the hotel Repliku had waited for Nina to fall asleep before slipping out for the Resistance meeting that was being held. He had loathed to leave her behind alone but it had been important and he knew Alexander would have watched over her while he was gone. Though things had gone smoothly and she was still safe when he had returned ( ... )


fullmetalchemy January 16 2008, 19:26:49 UTC
Ed didn’t even notice Repliku’s presence. His entire attention was focused on Nina. She looked exactly as he remembered; beautiful, perfect, human.

He knelt down to catch her in a hug as she ran up to him. She seemed a bit smaller than he remembered, but of course that would be his own change in stature. He laughed as she commented on it. ‘Yeah, I did pretty good there, huh?’

As he felt the little arms around his neck, the warmth of her body, the realness of her presence, and the lick on his cheek from Alexander, Ed felt a sob push its way past his lips. He hugged Nina tightly against him and let the reality of the tiny angel in his arms wash away at nearly seven years of guilt as he broke down crying.


notachimera January 16 2008, 19:53:34 UTC
Nina frowned a little and hugged tighter uncertainly. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" She blinked up at Ed. He seemed happy just a few moments ago, but people who were happy didn't cry, right? Hopefully the hug would make things better.

Even if he was crying, Nina was still glad to see him. She hadn't been in the city long--only a few days--but it would have been scary all by herself. She was lucky Repliku was there, too. And Alexander had been there the entire time, which was good!

Alexander's tail wagged slowly, and he licked at Ed's cheek again, picking up on Nina's uneasiness and trying to make them both feel better.


faked_heart January 16 2008, 23:09:21 UTC
Repliku raised an eyebrow though refrained from making a comment which most likely would be of the sarcastic kind. After all, he didn't know Edward's circumstances concerning Nina. It did make him wonder, had he come from the future where something terrible had happened to Nina? He wanted to ask but it was better to let the guy get his break down over with first.

"I'll...go get some water," Repliku scratched the back of his head sheepishly as he turned and wandered off to find a glass of water. Talk about awkward, he had no idea how to deal with a situation like that. All he remembered was that drinking water was supposed to help or something, so off to get some water it was.


fullmetalchemy January 17 2008, 01:50:48 UTC
If Edward had looked, he might have noticed people in the lobby staring or trying not to, as well as Repliku’s obvious discomfort, but he was too wrapped up in near-hysterical warm, fuzzy feelings to care.

He leaned back a little, knuckling away tears with his left hand and laughed tearfully. ‘No, nothing’s wrong. Sorry. I’m just so happy to see you that my eyes got confused,’ he explained. He tried to catch his breath as he knelt there, smiling at the little girl for a minute before he picked her up under the arms and held her in the air. ‘I missed you, Nina!’ he exclaimed, giving her a little toss.


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