A new arrival [Completed]

Aug 09, 2006 06:30

Character(s): Soma, Lucifer, anyone else who cares to jump in.
Content: Soma's arrival through the Niflheim gate, meeting the Original Lord of Darkness, various & nefarious other happenings
Setting: Niflheim gate
Time: Week 2, early morning
Warnings: Potential mild swearing, probably about it.

Soma was awoken, not by his alarm clock, but by the sun falling across his face. )

cafe ersesat, niflheim, sir sword knight, lucifer morningstar, completed, sumeragi subaru, soma cruz

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Comments 82

atsehaske August 30 2006, 22:55:23 UTC
...Pitiful. Lucifer rounded on the gate again, just walking close enough to it to see if he could leave. It was interesting, every time he did that the citizens of Paixao seemed to turn attentive. He suspected, if he tried to leave, that they would attack or interfere.

The former devil stopped, however, turning his attention to the people coming in. Curious, almost none of them looked like the Paixaoians. In fact, most were quite different. More thought would have to be put to this, but for the moment he couldn't feel anything of Yahweh, or of the Angelic Host, or of Hell.

And that meant that he was a very satisfied ex-lord of darkness and Hell.


notquitedracula August 31 2006, 00:15:29 UTC
As Soma passed through the gate, he felt -something- wash through him. Knowing the feeling all too well, he sighed a deep sigh, wondering if he would ever be rid of the curse of Dracula's power.

This influx of power, all of it quite dark (for such is the nature of Dracula), was enough to draw stares from several of the natives. Among them, he noticed a single entity whose own internal darkness rivaled his own, though it was shielded; a demon? If so, why was it not attacking?

Shaking off the feeling, Soma walked on past the gates (along the way, being assailed by an elderly man who had pressed something small and silvery into his hands).


atsehaske August 31 2006, 00:20:08 UTC
Lucifer slid his hands into his pockets. Well, well. Newcomers, all of them, some of them with that wonderfully dazed expression of a kitty who'd just been dropped into a shark tank. Not all of them would swim, of course. And even those who did... well. It was just the law of any universe (Yahweh's or any other) that even those who did swim weren't promised long life.

"...hm," the first of the fallen hadn't bothered to extend any of his senses. He trusted his eyes and ears well enough these days. They had been enough to point out Duma and well enough to have served him when he had been setting up the Lux.

Power came with a price, as always, and Lucifer was attempting to side step this rule, these days.


notquitedracula August 31 2006, 00:40:52 UTC
As he took a few more steps past the gatekeeper (after telling the guy his name), Soma noticed for the first time the strange, glowing beings wandering around the area. There weren't many of them here, it was true, but just looking at them made Soma shudder.

They were strange, by Soma's standards. A couple of them were bright analogues to demons he'd faced before, while others reminded him of nothing so much as dogs and cats. The one -big- one reminded him a bit of a scorpion, but it was staying away for the moment...

Shunting them to the periphery for the moment, he focused on the demon-slash-man who had first caught his attention. Feeling, perhaps, that such a person could maybe answer some of his questions, he wandered over in Lucifer's general direction.


atsehaske August 31 2006, 00:46:55 UTC
"...and who are you?" Lucifer addressed Soma without really giving the other any sort of recognition or look. He wasn't overly concerned with the other. Perhaps, earlier in his life he might have given the newcomer a smirk, a smile or a trite reply.

Instead the former Lord of Hell simply asked for a name and was content with that. Here, so far from Yahweh, it was easy to feel relaxed. Out of his Father's eye, so to speak. Too bad there were no sunsets here, however.


notquitedracula August 31 2006, 00:56:32 UTC
Soma blinked a bit. "Soma Cruz. Umm... I don't suppose you could tell me where the heck I am? I thought for a minute there it was Dracula's castle again, but now I know better..."

The stranger's manner was... odd. Almost like he'd seen more and done more than he cared to think about, but didn't want to let on that he was anything more than normal. Definitely not the sort of dark person Soma was used to; normally, they'd be making their "I am villain, hear me roar!" speeches by now. But this guy wasn't...


atsehaske August 31 2006, 01:07:59 UTC
Soma Cruz. Didn't ring any bells. Lucifer shrugged mentally, and dug into his pocket for a cigarette. Then came the matchbook, and then he lit the cancer stick and shook out the match. Would have been simpler to just light it with a bit of Hellfire and Brimstone, but really, after a few million years, that gets old. The discarded match was tossed to the ground.

"...Dracula? Well, you're quite misplaced then, Mr. Cruz," Lucifer commented with a slight tilt of his head. Where, exactly, he couldn't supply the other, however. "...the sheep of this city call it 'Paixao'. If that helps you." His tone clearly said 'I don't think it will.'


onmyouji_subaru August 31 2006, 01:17:46 UTC
Subaru has a tendency to wander, both in thought and also physically. He is not exactly sure where he is or how he ended up where he is. It was never a problem back home, he could always get to where he wanted once he notices that he is not where he should be. But here, he is truly lost. Letting out a soft snort, he snubs his latest cigarette but does not take another one. It is still early morning and he smoked five already.

Just when he is about to turn and wander away again, however, he turns sharply around as he notices an extremely strong presence in the vicinity. His gaze falls upon two men, both standing out distinctly from the crowd due to their coloring. Subaru knows that both are extremely strong, but he is curious anyway, even though distinctly scared one of them might decide to kill him. He does not want to die yet. Not here, not yet, not by him.

Walking closer to the two people, Subaru keeps his hand in his pocket, in case he needs his Ofudas. In the back of his mind, he can hear Seishiro's warm voice speaking to him, ( ... )


notquitedracula August 31 2006, 01:24:07 UTC
Soma gave him a look that said quite plainly 'Huh?' and eyed the cigarette. "Paixao..." he repeated, shaking his head. "Definitely never heard of it. What do people call you, anyway?"

The scorpion-looking glowy thing was edging closer; Soma kept watch on it out of the corner of his eye, mentally judging the distance before it would be in range of jabbing him with that dagger it called a sting.

And then, a third person wandered over. He had that timid look about him, as of someone who is curious but also afraid. And considering what he was approaching, he had every right to be so...


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