fullmetalchemy wrote in paixaomb Jan 11, 2008 01:13
timon, edward elric, riku replica, pride, nina tucker, envy, blue, squall leonhart, sasori, godot, demyx, mia fey, alphonse elric
paixaomayor wrote in paixaomb Jul 08, 2007 22:48
haku, garnet 'dagger' til alexandros, blue, kyuubi, karst, the mayor, ivan, haruhara haruko, the doctor (tenth), rikku, alphonse elric, uzumaki naruto, meioh setsuna (sailor pluto), auron, bakura ryou, kaa, machu picchu/the winged defender, roxas
data_dogg wrote in paixaomb Jul 08, 2006 13:36
ein, faye valentine, edward wong hau pepelu tivrusky iv, blue