
Oct 18, 2006 14:44

You know, just because I was the first person to pass out at last night's crawl was not a good reason to dump me off in the middle of nowhere. I hope you all had a good time trying to explain to Veld why his coffee maker is still broken this morning! You know how he gets if he hasn't had any java. Serve you all right to have to do training for ( Read more... )

rodney st. andrew, rafe, elena, enju akihara

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Comments 14

blonde_bullet October 19 2006, 10:29:02 UTC
Rod? Do you remember me? I'm Elena! You worked with my sister.

Long story short: this isn't a practical joke (even though I'm still convinced this is somehow Reno's fault). A lot of the Turks you know and some from your future are in Paixao. President Shinra was murdered, and his son Rufus Shinra is President now.

Head for the Central Station to meet up with the others & the President there. There's a lot for you to catch up on...


notreno October 19 2006, 20:40:01 UTC
I think I remember you. She brought you in that one time to see us.

Even if this isn't a practical joke, are you sure Reno isn't to blame? I bet he sold us all to a foreign country or something like that.


You're serious, right? From the future?

Yeah, I'll... I'll head that way.


blonde_bullet October 20 2006, 08:44:20 UTC
Somehow I don't think even Reno could pull off something like this. But I'm sure he had something to do with it!

You probably remember me as an annoying school kid. I hated my sister and all the Turks back then. Funny how things changed. I became a Turk years after you... Well, you... you see...

Technically you're from the past. There's no easy way to say it, but you're already dead. A lot of the Turks from your time were either killed or went MIA; my sister included. But you're here. Alive. So I just thought you might have seen her.


notreno October 25 2006, 17:29:43 UTC
I bet he did to. Leave it to him to piss off some higher power and land us all here.

Dead? Me? How the hell did I buy it? I bet that fucker Reno killed me!

Your sister? I haven't seen her yet, no. I woke up here alone, and I'm heading towards the station to meet with Aki. If we're here, she has to be here, right?


knifesxedge October 22 2006, 20:09:43 UTC
"that time I took apart Tseng's PDA and reprogrammed it to display naked Wutian babes everytime someone tapped the screen and then had it go back to Reno's terminal so it looked like he did it."

Ah, the beauty of the truth.

I am at central station.

Good to see you're as rambunctious as always, Rod.


notreno October 22 2006, 20:32:02 UTC
Aki! Some chick who said she was a sister of one of our people said I needed to head towards Central Station or something like that. I should be there soon enough if you want to wait for me.

What the hell is going on?


knifesxedge October 22 2006, 20:44:22 UTC
Yes, that would be Elena. She is the younger sister of "one of our people" as you say.

I will wait for you at the station, make sure to look out for the "lumens".

...That is a very apt question. I still have a nagging feeling this is somehow Reno's fault.


notreno October 22 2006, 20:46:01 UTC
Everything is Reno's fault, man. Don't you realize that yet? I thought you were the smart one out of us.

Lumens? Are they the white glowy things or the moving around quickly white things?


twinguns October 25 2006, 22:48:38 UTC
Geez, everyone blames Reno.

Wow, even the rookie's here! Hi, Rod. It's Rafe. As you've been informed, all of us will be rendezvous at Central Station. I am with Reno (the one everyone is pointing fingers at) and Tseng; we're on our way. We might have a little surprise for you all, so be sure to have all your bearings...

As for Lumens and the white things, Lumens are the ones that glow. The white things, I've inquired, are called Nobodies. Be careful of those; they're quick. Is your EMR fully charged?


notreno October 25 2006, 22:58:17 UTC
Don't call me 'rookie'! You know I hate that. Yeah, Aki told me that we were meeting there, so I hopped a train and I'm headed in that direction. Damn it, you mean Reno really is here too? I was hoping that was just a vicious rumour.

Uhh... surprise? Is this like the naked woman in my locker sort of surprise or the time you all made my EMR shoot streamers kind of surprise?

It's fully charged, yup. I ran into a few of the white ones that don't glow at that gate I came through. Nasty things those.


twinguns October 26 2006, 02:57:11 UTC
Heh, but you acknowledge it! And yes. Reno's here and alive...and running. He's older now, but still as fast as when...we last saw him (yesterday?). He's from the future, like Elena and Tseng. Rufus is also from the future.

No naked women this time, pal. Were you hoping for that?

They are nasty. I got nicked on the arm. Just a superficial wound.... more ticked over the rip in my suit.


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