one-shot #8, Hope: "I'll Wait Here Forever"

Apr 08, 2009 17:25

Title: I'll Wait Here Forever
Characters/Paring: Peter/Claire, Nathan, Angela, Sandra, mentions of Lyle and Noah
Rating: PG (cursing)
Word Count: 1799
Spoilers/Warnings: AU from 3.18, Exposed, slight references to all episodes following it.
Summary: For the first time since the plane crash you allow yourself to feel just a glimmer of hope.
A.N: So this is an idea I toyed with for the "Wandering Eyes" challenge but never did anything with because it didn't work out, so I re-worked it and expanded upon it to fit this challenge. I have no idea what possessed me to write in second person, though. Seriously, wtf? I hope I did it decently, though. xD Here goes nothing.

( You can feel your heart breaking for the woman who never really got the chance to be a girl. )

one-shot challenge #8, wuhdemah

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