Title: The Bentleys Word Count:1,180 Challenge: smallfandomfest: Defying Gravity (movie), Pete/Griff &Todd/Heather, Todd and Heather get married
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My first thought on seeing that you posted this was "OMG OMG OMG!" Not very coherent or intelligent, but honest. It makes me so happy that you picked up this prompt and wrote it.
The fic itself was wonderful. The banter between Todd, Heather, Griff and Pete was perfect. I particularly liked that Pete included his conversation with Todd in the wedding toast. I've always felt that it said a lot about Todd as a person as well as defining his relationship with Heather. It is also an important moment for Griff because it gives him a way to continue to justify his denial.
The second half of the fic was just fun. It paralleled the joking and good times in the house at the beginning of the movie. The idea of all the guys coming back together as friends really appeals especially since the events of the movie pulls them apart.
Finally, you have cemented Scotty and Trip as a couple in my head. I like to think that Griff and Pete paved the way for them to be open and safe.
Well I love this movie and I liked that someone prompted it so yeah.
That conversation was one of the key points in the movie, not to use it would be wrong and yes it said a lot about both of them, Todd's just a great guy.
I wanted to do something different during the second half, not jsut wedding stuff but the guys, and use some of the others, so I'm glad that worked well we jsut got to see so few of them in the movie.
And yes, I'm not sure if they ever openly came out at school or it was something most of the brothers realized but didn't talk about...I may have to write more fics to figure that out.
Comments 6
The fic itself was wonderful. The banter between Todd, Heather, Griff and Pete was perfect. I particularly liked that Pete included his conversation with Todd in the wedding toast. I've always felt that it said a lot about Todd as a person as well as defining his relationship with Heather. It is also an important moment for Griff because it gives him a way to continue to justify his denial.
The second half of the fic was just fun. It paralleled the joking and good times in the house at the beginning of the movie. The idea of all the guys coming back together as friends really appeals especially since the events of the movie pulls them apart.
Finally, you have cemented Scotty and Trip as a couple in my head. I like to think that Griff and Pete paved the way for them to be open and safe.
That conversation was one of the key points in the movie, not to use it would be wrong and yes it said a lot about both of them, Todd's just a great guy.
I wanted to do something different during the second half, not jsut wedding stuff but the guys, and use some of the others, so I'm glad that worked well we jsut got to see so few of them in the movie.
And yes, I'm not sure if they ever openly came out at school or it was something most of the brothers realized but didn't talk about...I may have to write more fics to figure that out.
There were a lot of things that barely got touched on in the movie because of time constraints. Personally, I think it would have made a great series.
More fics would be great. Do you mind if I friend you so I don't miss them if you do?
Yes, Logo or Here! needs to get right on that, it would be awesome.
I love more friends, I may even write another for smallfandomfest or Icons, I got some really nice caps...
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