Title: Four Times Yoochun Doubts His Sanity
Author: kayjayloves
Chapter: 1/1
Pairing: Yunchun
Genre: crack. no seriously.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: crackness, dirty mouths
Disclaimer: Don't own these guys, just my interpretations of them.
Synopsis: Yoochun realizes being in a boy band means giving up any hopes of maintaining that thing called pride.
Comments: Written for
yomi_chan305, bday fic # 2. it's all her fault.
Or the time Yoochun realizes he’s royally screwed himself over.
Two days after Dong Bang Shin Ki starts living together, Yoochun realizes being in a boy band means giving up a couple of essentials things: personal space, bathroom time, and any hopes of maintaining that thing called pride.
It starts when Junsu gets pissed at him (for a reason they don’t speak of anymore - Yoochun’s survival depends on that agreement) and he makes the innocent choice to take a shower. When he gets out, humming cheerfully, he reaches for his towel - and stops. Does a double-take.
“Junsu, that fu-”
The look Yunho gives him when he walks through the kitchen in his birthday suit rips away the last shreds of Yoochun’s pride. His eyebrows rise. “Junsu took your towel?”
“Yeah.” Yoochun grunts, tries to arrange himself behind the fruit bowl. “It’s happened before?”
Yunho gives him a look - “Welcome to living with Junsu.”
His eyes are still trained on Yoochun as he inches out of the kitchen. “Uh, okay,” Yoochun says. “I’m going to go kill him now.”
Or the time Yoochun gets hitched. Sort of.
They’ve been given a two day leave of absence, (also known as get the hell away from all of this and take some time off - in politer words) and the five of them are planning to use the break to the fullest. By one a.m. they’re completely wasted.
“Hey Yunho,” Yoochun calls, from where he’s tangled between Junsu and Changmin’s legs. “Marry me.”
There’s silence. A moth hits the ceiling light - insect voice shrieking - and falls to the floor.
“I must be really, really drunk,” Jaejoong declares. Yoochun has to agree - the room is spinning before him, and he’s pretty sure everyone’s staring at him like he’s an idiot. “What?” he grumbles.
“Yoochun and- Yoochun and Yunho are married.” Junsu says solemnly, and grabs Yunho’s hand. “Congratulations,” he adds, and gets up to run to the bathroom.
Jaejoong cackles.
Or the time Jaejoong interferes.
Jaejoong tells Yoochun he’s come to a realization in Paris, the conversation starting after Yoochun watches him play aimlessly with Eiffel tower key chains during their break. The day is full of photo shoots spaced out too far, and they’re all tired. All trying to find ways to entertain themselves.
“So.” Jaejoong states. He’s staring Yoochun down like Yoochun just admitted he snorts crack. Daily. “So. You like Yunho, right?”
Yoochun’s mind flits back through a series of images: him watching Yunho during a dance practice, him arguing with Yunho over the benefits of coffee-and-air diets, him vaguely considering slipping in while Yunho’s taking a shower, washing off all the sweat from his ches- “Huh.” he states, “I guess so.”
“Good,” Jaejoong says. “Because I have a plan.”
Yoochun’s never really liked Jaejoong’s plans.
Or the time something goes right. Accidentally.
“Well,” Yunho stalls - continues a moment later, “this is really awkward. Why are we here again?”
“Jaejoong,” Yoochun’s stacking sugar packets on the table like a makeshift barrier. He piles five-high before the stack falls, scattering packets messily onto the floor and making a soccer mom two tables over glare at him. “decided we don’t spend enough time together.”
Yunho glances at him from behind dark sunglasses. “We see each other everyday. We live together.”
Touché, Jaejoong-logic, Yoochun thinks. A waiter refills his coffee, and he empties a whole packet of sugar into the cheap brew.
“Next time,” he tells Yunho, “We’re going to just get drunk. So you won’t notice when I take ad-“
Yunho’s staring at him. Hey foot -- meet mouth, Yoochun thinks.
“Oh.” A smile is slipping onto Yunho’s face - slow and sly. “You could have said something.”
Yunho’s foot is moving up his leg under the table. I’m going to buy Jaejoong a bouquet of roses, Yoochun thinks - or let him take pictures when Yunho and I -
Or maybe not.
He gives Yunho a winning smile.