"Team Night, or Take Your Shoes Off" by sandalstrap

Apr 26, 2008 00:09

Title: Team Night, or Take Your Shoes Off
Artist: sandalstrap
Rating: G
Prompt: "Team movie night. Good spots and good snacks are worth fighting for. ;)"
Medium: drawing.
Character(s) and/or Pairing(s): Team, no pairings.
Notes: Ended up veering to somewhere slightly different than the prompt - no fighting, more snuggling. Oops?


" After Atlantis ran out of popcorn (again) between Deadalus runs, Teyla introduced the team to hamass cakes, a common treat traded by the Galapoai. Rodney was soon addicted to the "caramel not-ginger snaps," as John called them. "

ETA: sorry, lj-cut fixed now.


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