Fic - This Thing You Can't Define for blue_icy_rose

Aug 20, 2009 22:51

Title: This Thing You Can't Define
Author: Chosenfire
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN.
Fandom: American Idol RPF
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: threesome, slash
Pairings/Characters: Kris/Adam/Katy, Kris/Adam, Kris/Katy
Written For: blue_icy_rose
Prompt: She wanted, threesome and Kris and kids, I worked it my way.
Summary: There is a reason Kris wanted Adam to come with him and Katy to Colombia.

Author’s Note: This was written for Nicole and I am wanting to write more. I combined the things I know she likes, Kris/Adam/Katy, Kris and Adam with kids, and Kradam lol. This was written for the paintedboys fic exchange and is currently unbeta'd (my normal beta is the person its for).

Kris woke slowly, gradually becoming aware of the warmth that surrounded him and Katy’s soft laugh. He could hear the smile in her voice, knew the curve of her lips as he felt her lean over him her hair brushing against his bare chest.

“Go back to sleep.” she urged softly her voice warm “I’ll wake you up in time to do your make up before you have to leave.” She pressed closer to him, her breast tight against his chest and he opened his eyes slowly, fighting back a yawn, to see her press a kiss to the corner of Adam’s moth, her fingers brushing his cheek.

“Hey,” Kris muttered tiredly, shifting between them “stop moving.” There wasn’t even light at the bottom of the curtain on the big window so he didn’t even need to see the clock to know there were still a few hours left for sleep.

Adam moved closer to him, the bare skin of his chest rubbing against Kris’s back as he settled his arm back around the other man’s waist and his voice held amusement “Fine, you are both lazy.” The next words were aimed at Katy “Don’t forget to wake me up.”

“I won’t.” and Kris’s eyes were already closing again as he felt Adam settle behind him and Katy shift closer till she was curled against him again. Kris shifted between the two of them, settling back into the warmth of their bodies and someone drew the sheet back over them.

Morning would come soon enough, it always did, for now he just wanted to fall back to sleep surrounded by the people he loved.


Kris brought his arm up, shielding his eyes against the sun and wiping the sweet off his forehead. It was hot, the sun beat down harshly, but despite that he was happy, he was exhilarated. They had been in Colombia for over two weeks now, it wasn’t the first time he had been on a mission, it wasn’t even the first time he had been on one with Katy, but it was the first time he had been on one with Adam.

Adam who was slathering himself in sunscreen, his face void of makeup, and Katy swiping her hand across his arm, collecting some of the sunscreen, and smearing it on the back of his neck where he couldn’t reach.

Kris saw him give her a grateful smile and knew the camera that was following them around caught the moment too, knew that that moment would probably be on the television sets of millions around the world in the next month or so.

Kris knew why it had to be this way, knew why even on a trip to a foreign country cameras were going to follow them around for every step of the way. If they hadn’t invited them along they would just have found another way. The media circus that had become their lives over the last year was the last thing they had wanted this trip to be about. It was one thing having them camped outside of their home, following them from restaurants, they had expected that.

This was different though, more personal. It was the reason why Kris had personally called Ryan Seacrest and asked him if he wanted to play journalist for a few weeks, because it had been Ryan they had trusted enough to reveal their relationship to, they trusted him enough for this too.

Kris loved his wife, the sudden stardom that winning Idol had given him had been hard on their relationship but they had handled it, with each obstacle they had grown stronger together. An obstacle they hadn’t expected, Kris hadn’t expected, had been Adam.

It had been impossible for Kris not to fall in love with Adam. He had become his best friend, he had given him strength and he had made him feel special. Kris knew there were better singers out there, better people. But Adam had treated him like he was amazing, like he was a gift.

It wasn’t until the tour though that Kris had realized just how much Adam meant to him. He was drawn to him, couldn’t keep his eyes off the other man. He couldn’t believe he had lived his whole life never knowing him.

It could have been a problem, could have destroyed his relationship with Katy because for him loving one person didn’t mean he no longer loved the other. But it hadn’t. Katy loved him, she loved him so much that she wanted him to be happy, that she in her own way began to love Adam.

They had just had to convince him, and it hadn’t been easy. They were discovering that nothing with them ever was. But once they had settled into whatever they had, Kris and Katy, Kris and Adam, Kris, Katy, and Adam, they hadn’t wanted to hide it.

They had refused to hide it.

It was the reason why cameras had become a daily part of their lives for the past year. Enough time had passed for only the occasional protestor outside their home in L.A and they were only mentioned every other week in late night shows monologues.

A good number of people hadn’t approved of a public polyamorous relationship. Kris’s career had suffered for awhile, but Adam’s had skyrocketed even further. Still, when the dust had settled from the exclusive interview with Ryan they had still been together, heck they had been more committed to each other than ever.

They had still had the support of their family and friends. Kris’s momma gossiped daily with Adam’s, Katy’s dad had put up Adam’s brother for a week when he had been doing the whole “road trip” thing. When Allison had decided at 19 to move to L.A permanently she had turned to Adam and Katy to help her find a place.

It had been tough but they had gotten through it. Instead of one anniversary Kris now had three, and Adam was here with him and Katy in Colombia. He didn’t know why, just knew Kris had been coming here for the last few months and him and Katy had wanted them all to go there for about a month.

Technically for this to work they had to be there around a month, even more. Well only one of them had to be there, but they had both agreed that they all needed to.

The phone is Kris’s pocket vibrated and he flipped it open his heart pounding in excitement “Yeah.”

“Mr. Allen, everything is ready, we just need you and your wife and husbands signature.”

“Thank you, we’ll be there in half an hour.” A smile broke across his lips and he looked up to see Adam looking at him inquisitively coming to stand beside him, Katy slipping to stand on his other side her arm around his waist.

“So?” Katy asked softly her eyes hopeful.

Kris nodded and she buried her head in his shoulder, her joy muffled against the fabric of his shirt.

“Uh guys, I think I am missing something, or you are acting weird. “ Adam looked confused and Kris took a deep breath, reaching for the picture he had been keeping in his pocket the past two months.

“I’m sorry he haven’t talked to you, I just didn’t want to get your hopes up but if you want, if your ready…” he trailed off handing the picture to Adam.

Adam looked down his eyes widening as he realized what this meant. Kris knew what he was seeing. The picture of a six month old little girl, her skin was a beautiful mocha, her hair a dark dusting across her head, and her eyes were bright and beautiful.

“Seriously?” Adam managed to choke out and Kris could see the same hope and fear in his eyes that he had had two months ago, when things had started to fall into place.

“Yeah, we just have to sign the papers, all three of us.”

They had been the deal breaker. They had been together for three years now, in the public eye for one, and kids had been something that had come up when they had made the decision to come out together. They wanted kids, each of them wanted a family. But it had seemed unlikely for them to actually to have one. Biologically a child would be Kris and Katy’s, or even Katy’s and Adam, and while couples could adopt agencies were leery of adopting to the three of them.

It had been a miracle that Kris had found the place in Colombia. Babylon. He still hadn’t believe it till he had gotten the call that everything was ready and all they had to do was stay for a few weeks, sign the papers, and take their daughter home.

She would be theirs, his, Katy’s, and Adam’s.

Adam held the picture tight in his hand as he wrapped his arm around Kris’s waist and buried his head in Kris’s neck, his other arm going around Katy. This was it, the next step, and they were ready.

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