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Comments 12

lireeli June 8 2007, 13:41:35 UTC
I've discovered Painted Whiskey very late, but it was a real pleasure to read it, and I could quickly catch my delay!!
Thank you for your pain, for this fantastic work!
I'm here for Lijah of course! But even if I had some doubt concerning the pairing with Andy, you soon made me change my mind!!
So, thank you again for all this good time spent with your characters and your story!
You're both fantastic writers!
*hugs tight*


giddy_london June 9 2007, 18:47:19 UTC
You did find PW rather late! Which just makes us all the more pleased that you read SO MUCH to catch up, and I was glad you emailed me to tell me how much you enjoyed it after getting the first 200 or so parts read.

It think it's great that you came for the Elijah and changed your mind about having him paired with Andy. The two of us really love the SerkisWood pairing, and since it's so rarely written, there was a lot we could do with them.

You are more than welcome, hon. We really enjoyed writing this - it was such a big part of our lives for so long. Both of us are very proud of our story and we're glad other people loved it as much as we did. Thank you so much for reading! ♥


ditchwitchbitch June 8 2007, 15:55:01 UTC
I've been doing RPs for as long as I can remember, but I don't know that I ever had the sort of instant writing chemistry the way we did when we started this (and I do mean PW, as The Tig That Shall Not Be Named really was a disaster, but a good learning point for us). I had such fun writing this with you, and I know it's definitely the best thing I've ever produced. And it's so personal for us, in a way that the readers - much as I love you guys - can never really get. I can still go back and read old bits and think 'I remember talking about this on the phone after' or 'This is the part where I fell asleep and Laura almost died laughing!' I love that, just as much as I love this story.

So thank you for giving me that, and I'm really glad we got to do this. Together.


surreality_fan June 8 2007, 23:40:40 UTC
this goes to both of you...

i think part of the reason why it was such a pleasure to read this story is that it was a personal work of love and dedication for both of you. the personal quality gave it a sense of realism and emotion that, as i have said before it felt like little snapshots into the lives of your characters. everything always just flowed so well. yes there were shocking and dramatic moments, but i never got a sense of something being completely out of character for the characters as you consistently wrote them.

baaahh? (sorry. lol)


giddy_london June 10 2007, 20:44:01 UTC
Thank you, Surr. We're both very happy that you enjoyed our little AU. It definitely was very personal for both of us, but if that made it all the better, I'd say we did pretty well. We both love these characters a lot and had so much fun playing with them. I'm so glad that the characterisation and plot and everything worked for you. ♥



giddy_london June 10 2007, 20:28:02 UTC
I have to say, I'm pretty much in agreement with you here. There was no one before you (or since, really) that I've felt so comfortable writing with, and I know it's been almost a year since we wrote anything together, but I do still miss plotting and RPing with you. PW is definitely the best thing I've written fandom-wise, and probably altogether. And really, it's a pretty big contribution to Lotrips fandom, even if we were the only people who ever liked it. And yes, much of this is personal for us in a way that no one will ever understand, especially since it was such a big part of bringing us closer as friends outside fandom.

Thank you for letting me write this with you, K.


pippins_penny June 8 2007, 22:32:34 UTC
Thank you so much for a such great ride! even if I needed to nudge you two a few times to post! LOL! I got into such a M,W,F thing with this! Gonna be weird not to have my fix 3 times a week!



giddy_london June 10 2007, 20:23:18 UTC
You are more than welcome, Penny. You're one of the very few who has been with us since this story started, and we appreciate that and your comments so much. (Even if you did have to poke our forgetful brains a time or two. *g*) And there are still a few more weeks of MWF goodness left in the future thread - think of it as the two of us weaning you off the crack. ♥


surreality_fan June 8 2007, 23:35:26 UTC
well dammit woman now i am really really teary eyed. *glomps*


giddy_london June 9 2007, 21:55:31 UTC
Nawwww, Surr. *tissues* Thank you SO MUCH for sticking with us through this. You're one of the very few who has, and we both really, really appreciate it. ♥


promisethstars July 2 2007, 19:27:40 UTC
I discovered this story very late indeed....two years after it was first posted, in fact. But I love it so very very very very much.

I'm so glad that I decided to read this....I loved Monaboyd to start with, but this story made me love it even more! And then I have also developed a certain fondness for Andy and Lij, and Orlando and Sean now, thanks to the two of you.

Just want to say that the two of you are awesome writers, and I enjoyed the ride along with these boys so much ;)

Best luck for writing in the future to the both of you!

*hugs writers* *hugs Dom, Billy, Andy, Lij, Orlando, and Sean* *hugs story very very very tightly*

I can guarantee that I will be reading parts of this over and over again :)


giddy_london July 3 2007, 00:55:25 UTC
Thank you so much for your kind words, Megan, and all of your comments along the way as you got caught up with 300 posts. My inbox rarely sees that sort of action these days!

It pleases me no end that you started to read for the Monaboyd and ended up liking the other characters as well. I don't think this story would have been nearly as good without Andy and Elijah and Sean and Orlando, and Kerry and I grew to love them quite a lot. Thanks for hanging in there with our boys.

I can't speak for Kerry, of course, but I don't appear to be doing much writing these days, no matter that I'd dearly love to. Inspiration just isn't happening at the moment, but I'm hoping it will again, though nothing I could write on my own would compare to this story.

And you're definitely not alone in wanting to re-read bits of this over and over. *g*


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