[There's some scratching sounds on the microphone and what to human ears will sound like a frustrated dog's growling is actually Gabriel swearing and trying to urge HIS NEWFOUND PAWS to operate the controls on his journal. After a moment of cojoling, the video clicks on and there's an EXTREME CLOSE-UP OF A PAIR OF AMBER EYES AND A SNOUT... And then
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He huffs and moves all the way into the room, flopping down and putting his head in his paws* Why didn't you tell me this job came with fur?
She snuffles at his fur, detecting the faintest traces of leather, woodsmoke and dust that she unconsciously associates with Harry underneath all the animalish smells. She relaxes and sits down next to him, leaning against his neck.] If I knew it did, I might have reconsidered.
Flood hit you a little late, huh, bucko?
Anyone else feel like a run?
Maybe it just couldn't let you be the big one for once. *This flood really isn't going to be good for his practice of calm rational reactions*
Only if I can run circles around the big guy. [He gives Harry a good hard whack in the chest with his tail as he passes that can only have been intentional.
He pauses briefly and then grabs Murphy in his mouth- GENTLY, DAMMIT, HE'S NOT AN ANIMAL- and carries her back over to the other side of the room at a steady trot. Look. Harry's a giant. He is keeping her from being stepped on. It's totally not rooted in petty jealousy.]
What. Do you think. You are doing.
Carrying you over the threshold. Except Harry's blocking the door, so I had to settle for carrying you four feet back over this way.
What? He can't help it. It's a dominance display.*
A normal coyote would stay pinned and slink away when it was sure it wasn't going to get EATEN BY THE GIANT WOLF. Gabriel, unfortunately, had a reputation to protect and the benefit of being stronger than the average coyote. He went down under Harry's weight and immediately snapped his jaws up to get a tight grip on his throat, snarling.]
Here's hoping Harry's experience with fighting as a wolf gives him a sliiiight advantage. Not likely, but he can hope. He hunches his shoulders to protect his throat and tries to bite Gabriel's head.*
That's enough, both of you! What's the matter with you two?
That's enough, both of you! What's the matter with you two?
He drew first blood!
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