Prompt 1-Mellow Denna/Richard Future-verse and family.

Feb 20, 2010 23:22

It was one of those sorts of days; the kind that were lazy, and made everyone want to just kick back. Maybe it had something to do with the sweltering heat, but it was just too much for everyone in the People's Palace. The Amnells were all out training to be Confessors with their mother, which left Denna and her children with Richard.

“Father, can we go to the river?” Michael had asked, early in the day. He was still at the age that it was hard to look down at his brown eyes and tell him 'no'.

Richard hesitated a little, looking at the pile of work. It was lucky for him that his Chosen walked into the room, dressed not in her leathers as per usual, but rather, a very loose dress, with a hat. She had a basket in hand, looking altogether too domestic. It slightly unnerved Richard when she got like this.

“Would you like--”

“Of course...we all need to cool down. I'll get George out of the nursery. Michael, go fetch your sister. Do not run.”

The boy bowed and nodded, before scurrying quickly out of the room, as he looked for Ariella. Denna leaned against the doorway, in a much more suitable (to Richard's eyes, at any rate) pose. She was still slightly soft from having their third child, but he didn't mind. No, secretly, he liked it. He liked how she felt under his hands; how her body felt like life.

“I've got a picnic packed; we can stay by the river today, until the heat breaks. It's too hot to remain inside here. It will also give the children time to play; perhaps it is time to show Michael and Ariella how to catch a fish?”

Richard liked the sound of that. He proved it to his wife as he walked to her, with that lopsided grin she earned from him, along with his stalking across the room to her. “I like this plan.” He sealed it with a kiss.

george, ariella, futureverse, michael, richard, denna

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