I haven't posted here in quite some time and actually had to re-join the community.
I posted similar icons as I'll be posting in a minute back in 2006, these icons are pretty much whatever you want. I'll be posting just a few examples, feel free to take them, but you can ask for a different picture if you'd like and how concentrated you want the picture to be.
Please credit unless otherwise stated. Let me know if you do take any. No hotlinking please.
When you take a look at the last 3 you can see some other things I can do with these icons. I can make them a bit brighter if you don't like how faded some of these images are and I can also put in a Septagram if you wish, or really probably any symbol you'd like. I used the Septagram more for any who may be Otherkin or Therian.
Now on to other icons. These are as is and not customizable like the ones above. Same rules apply though.