
Nov 12, 2009 22:04

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IC WITH ISHIDA pacifisting December 31 2009, 06:46:14 UTC

She's snuggled in close and tight against Ishida's body, clearly unaware of anything at all besides the snuggling and the warmth and-- ♥]


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 06:50:33 UTC
[It is familiar. Very familiar. Even for him, because, well. They do fall asleep snuggling on occasion. Or, rather, she does semi-regularly and sometimes he follows suit after staying awake for a while. So. This is fairly comfortable, and nothing registers as unusual. Not the lack of clothes against his skin. Not how easily he's breathing. Not the softness of her skin against his. Well. At least. Not yet.]


pacifisting December 31 2009, 06:56:15 UTC
[And really, it's all fairly innocent snuggling and sleeping and-- well. She can't help it if she does get some thoughts, but they're bad and she tries not to pay attention to them.

Yawning against his shoulder, Euphemia traces her fingers up and down his back, humming quietly; waking up to someone isn't new, really, so she doesn't panic]


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 07:09:43 UTC
[Of course, being a teenage boy and being strongly attracted to and in love with Euphie, Ishida has those, too, but most usually when he's awake. For him, this halfway point between waking and sleeping is relatively peaceful in comparison to the rapid pace at which his mind usually moves.]

[Under her light touches, though, unrestrained by his conscious stoic manner, he begins to stir, not quite waking yet, but arching a little, unaccustomed still to such physical intimacy.]


pacifisting December 31 2009, 07:12:15 UTC
[...And. well. Euphemia pretty much automatically assumes that, hey, if she's waking up naked next to someone, then they've done it.

Which...also means that if she's woken up next to someone and they've done it, then she's able to touch them as she pleases- not inappropriate touching, more just gentle touches here and there, intimate, maybe, but if they've done that, then it shouldn't matter, right?

...Sorry about her hand touching your thighs there, Ishida]


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 07:15:10 UTC
[There may be a whimper mixed in with how he starts at that, because, subtle and gentle as that touch may be, he's even less used to that than the back thing, and suddenly, he's awake, because this is very, very unfamiliar territo--]

[... Oh.]

[Oh God.]



pacifisting December 31 2009, 07:16:54 UTC
[makes a sleepy noise and then goes still when she hears her name in a decidedly panicked fashion, rolling away abruptly, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes]




bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 07:25:23 UTC
[Oh God oh God oh God she's naked and he's naked and his p--]

[Their collars are loose.]

[Their collars are loose.]

[He stares for just a single, horrified, yet strangely aroused moment longer before it hits him fully and he scrambles to the edge of the bed, not sure whether he'd rather kill Atia right now or simply curl up in a corner and die.]


pacifisting December 31 2009, 07:26:29 UTC
[Doesn't even notice their collars yet, she's too busy just staring in pure shock, realizing that OH HEY NAKED, afjlksjfksljf. Reaches for the blankets and holds them against her chest, wordless for a long moment]

W-What did we-- what did we do?


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 07:36:28 UTC
[Some small, distant part of Ishida's mind, he's mortified to realize, he's quite disappointed that his eyesight without his glasses is less-than-perfect, but he does his best to shove that thought away. Now is not the time for that, in fact, never is the time for that, as far as he's concerned.]

I... erm... That's... we... We appear to have...

[Not quite able to bring himself to explain, he simply blushes, and, averting his eyes, reaches out to her and gently touches her collar.]


pacifisting December 31 2009, 07:37:46 UTC
[goes very still when he touches her collar, then shrinks back and practically hides under the sheets, eyes still very wide]

We... we did that.

[oh. Oh god. fjaklsjflsjlfsjf]


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 07:43:20 UTC
[It... it hurts, to see her shrink away from him like that, a dull throb in his head, in his chest. This was exactly what he was afraid of. That somehow this... this would make everything fall apart. That they'd end up like this, her shrinking away from him, him jumping away from her.]

Evidence... would point to that, yes.

[A pause, then.]

... You don't remember, either, then. It must be one of Atia's games.

[A breath. Calm down. Think.]

I.... If you're not comfortable with me being here, I... I can go.


pacifisting December 31 2009, 07:46:09 UTC
[For all the times that she's good at picking up on such things-- there are times when she isn't. This is one of those times-- too stunned and not awake, and just... startled, Euphemia barely registers the hurt, and won't until later]


[curling up tighter around those blankets, trying to do the same- calm down, breathe, now.]

N-no... no, it's fine-- I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 07:49:50 UTC
No, it's...

[It isn't fine. Not when she's reacting like this. He could say, for all the world, that if it had to be someone, he was glad it was her, and if things were different, he might. But right at this instant, he would have much rather it be someone whose relationship with him wouldn't be damaged by this. Leave it to Atia to pick the last person he wanted to hurt.]

Don't apologize. This isn't your fault. If anything, I should be apologizing.

[It takes him a second or two longer than usual, and it's weaker than normal, but he still manages to smile for her.]


pacifisting December 31 2009, 08:04:13 UTC
[most of all, she feels selfish, because she knows he has to feel absolutely awful about this-- not just because of the situation, but also because of the fact that he loves someone and now she's...

Gritting her teeth for a moment, she sits up and scoots over to hug him gingerly, quiet]

It's not your fault, why should you?


bow_and_sword December 31 2009, 08:19:14 UTC
[Oh, Euphie, if only you knew.]

[He notices the odd way her jaw sets, and his heart sinks a little more. The hug is awkward, given it... doesn't do a lot to hold the sheets up, but, well. Given how she's acting, he tries not to think too much about that and gently hugs her back.]

You have someone, and... [And you're clearly disgusted by the thought of us doing that.]


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