
Sep 02, 2008 23:06

Crappy internet currently + start of school = Miriam will not be on LJ that often unfortunately.

Love you all, I'll try to get on as often as I can to comment on your stuff. :)


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Comments 4

infinitiva September 3 2008, 07:47:42 UTC
well good luck at school!
i'll probably leave lj as well in about a month or so, when university starts


pa_0205 September 5 2008, 01:27:20 UTC
Thanks and good luck with uni! :D


whitegoldpearls September 3 2008, 14:18:17 UTC
Aww, I totally understand. I'm back to uni in a couple of weeks so won't be on lj much either :( Boo real life! Heheh.


pa_0205 September 5 2008, 01:28:28 UTC
I know! It's so sad not being able to sit around in PS or on here...
Anyways, good luck with uni and I just realized that I never sent you a birthday card or wished you happy birthday! I'll send you a card asap, and I'll make sure to make it extra pretty for you. :D


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