swallowed in the sea.

Aug 16, 2008 22:19

So basically I'm a slowpoke when it comes to making icons.
Anyhoo, I have like 100+ icons for you. This post is similar to the last post in that I experimented a lot and used lots of different resources.

This post includes: Heath Ledger, Angelina Jolie, Iron Man, James McAvoy, The Dark Knight, Eva Green, Quantum of Solace, Wall-E, Atonement, The ( Read more... )

iron man, james mcavoy, the dark knight, emma watson, eva green, quantum of solace, the darjeeling limited, icons, atonement, wanted, brokeback mountain, angelina jolie, wall-e, michelle williams, heath ledger

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Comments 24

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pa_0205 August 17 2008, 13:21:30 UTC
Lol! I need to make more Wall-E icons! Just for you. :D I'll go find some more pictures today. :)

And wow. You have no idea how awesome your comment made me feel! That last icon is one of my favorites from this batch as well! :)

I love your icon btw. Mo was SO CUTE.


(The comment has been removed)

pa_0205 August 17 2008, 16:13:36 UTC
I love that part! And whenever he stares in disbelief at all the dirt Wall-E has left in his tracks. :D


caw August 17 2008, 05:42:51 UTC
Your use of text: I love it.


pa_0205 August 17 2008, 13:18:53 UTC
Thanks! That's nice to hear, especially since I'm always scared to use text for fear that it might not look good. :D


caw August 17 2008, 18:34:24 UTC
I know right! And honestly, I usually can't stand text on icons, but you totally made it work. I sorta think 12 would actually make just a fantastic text-only icon.

You have the eye for good word arrangement and colour choice, definitely.


pa_0205 August 18 2008, 13:52:44 UTC
Once again, it's so nice to hear that my text is looking good! :D
I'll have to make a text-only one of #12 and put it in the next post. ;) Maybe I'll do a set of TDK quotes like that...That would be kinda fun!

But anyways, I love your icon! Joker love. :D


mosquito1013 August 17 2008, 05:51:21 UTC
Great icons! Taking (5) and (19)! Will credit. Arigato very much. :)


pa_0205 August 17 2008, 13:19:40 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like the icons! I love your icon sooooo much. He is so adorable.


infinitiva August 17 2008, 15:45:15 UTC
loooooove the icons
i'm saving tons of them
i really really like your use of texture:)

also The Diving Bell & The Butterfly is an amazing movie, have you read the book? it's just as good or even better, i can't really decide:P


pa_0205 August 17 2008, 16:14:45 UTC
Thanks!!! I'm especially glad you like them. :D
And yeah, the movie is amazing! I have yet to read the book, although I really want to now. I'll tell you what I think when I've read it. :D


whitegoldpearls August 17 2008, 15:50:04 UTC
Oh my god, I don't believe this. I have tried commenting twice now and both times my comment got deleted!!!! Grrrr, I hate my internet!

Okay, well what I've been trying to say is that I FREAKING LOVE YOUR ICONS!!!

My absolute absolute faves from this batch are : 9, 17, 30, 51, 65, 66, 74, 96, 109 and 111!

@30 - TOTALLY USING THIS ONE! Oh and btw, where do you get your Dark Knight pics from? I'm having a hard time finding good ones...
@51 - Possibly the most gorgeous icon of this cap I have ever seen! You made it look like a watercolour painting or something, just beautiful!
@65 - Your texture use is flawless and so original! Gah, HOW DO YOU DO IT?! :P
@96 - Cutest icon ever!

As always, your icons never fail to amaze :D


pa_0205 August 17 2008, 16:26:40 UTC
I feel you! It is so annoying! I start writing this nice long comment for you and then it all disappears. Here's to time wasted! :D

Anyways, I FREAKING LOVE YOUR ICONS TOO. Like your latest post. You posted like one of my favorite icons ever. That one Joker one is just absolute perfection. :D Well, actually the one that I am currently using. :D

But anyways, I'm glad you like the icons! And your comments put a big grin on my face! It's so nice to know which icons other people like a lot. :D

Oh btw, I'll just upload those Batman pictures for you because I got them off a post on ohnotheydidnt and I would not be able to find it again lol.
Also, for #51, I actually used the watercolor filter, so you were spot on when you said it looked like a watercolor painting! I used that filter for a lot of the Atonement icons in this post, but it's more obvious in some than others.
I'll reply to this post with the pictures for you. :D


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