
Aug 07, 2008 00:06

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while! I've been going to multiple weddings and on vacation and stuff with my family, so I haven't had much time to post.

However, when I get back from this last wedding, I promise I will post my icons, Dark Knight review, and Breaking Dawn review. :D

Here's a little idea of my feelings on TDK... )

vacation, breaking dawn, the dark knight, news, keane

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Comments 7

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pa_0205 August 12 2008, 19:07:24 UTC
I know! It's just so un-Keane and I really don't know how I feel about that.


infinitiva August 7 2008, 16:20:48 UTC
first of all, the first banner with guys in the car killed me. srsly i died of laughter.
and then, keane, what the hell? i'm not going to be delicate, their new song is a perfect example of a piece of shit, it's just too much of pop in it, i hate it :(
and just to finnish up, i'm reading Breaking Dawn right now, and my reaction is kind of like yours, but still i'm a psycho fan i guess buahaha because i still like it, even though there's not much of an action, anyways, hope you'll post some icons soon, i'm dying to see some:P


pa_0205 August 12 2008, 19:10:52 UTC
Isn't that GIF the greatest thing ever??? When I saw it I had the same reaction and it just never gets old.
I agree about Keane! I like their piano rock and their more mellow stuff. It just bums me so much to hear that they've changed their style so drastically.

When I first started reading Breaking Dawn, I was so excited. Now that I've finished, I still really like the first three books, but this new one....Ummmm...Yeah.


picturegames August 8 2008, 02:31:27 UTC
this post is completely made of win.

that is all FTW <3


pa_0205 August 12 2008, 19:11:19 UTC
Awww....lol. I'm glad you enjoyed the post!


whitegoldpearls August 9 2008, 04:26:02 UTC
Aaahhhh! The Dark Knight is just awesome. Ooh, bit of trivia for you; you know that scene where The Joker is clapping? Heath totally improvised that and they kept it in the film, cause Heath is like THE BEST. If he doesn't get an Oscar nomination I will be seriously upset.


pa_0205 August 12 2008, 19:12:10 UTC
I read that as well! He was so amazing and I agree with you, if he doesn't get at least a nomination, I will be pissed. Love the icon, Bale is such a hunk. ;)


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