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Comments 13

phantomz_angel July 3 2008, 23:30:32 UTC
Oh my goodness, I am so excited for Quantum of Solace!


pa_0205 July 7 2008, 14:46:48 UTC
Me too! It won't be as good without Eva Green, but it will still be amazing. ;)


quendra July 3 2008, 23:47:10 UTC
Hahaha...glad you liked them both, I myself watched Wanted only, ever since that's all I've been seeing. I've seen it 3 times already, and I might go for my fourth lol. It's fucking badass! Angie+Morgan+James= <3 What more can you ask for? :P


pa_0205 July 7 2008, 14:48:47 UTC
3 times??? Wow. I've gone twice now, I think that's probably all I'll see it, unfortunately. And yeah, it was badass. Angie+James=MORE THAN I COULD WISH FOR. I like Morgan Freeman, but nowhere near as much as Angie or James. ;)


quendra July 8 2008, 02:18:50 UTC
True, I like Morgan as well, but not more than I like Ange, :P


whitegoldpearls July 4 2008, 00:05:46 UTC
Squeee! Quantum of Solace looks so freaking cool! Totally excited about that :D I really want to see Wall-E, it looks so sweet! Honestly, I wasn't all that into Wanted but since you say its good I will definitely be checking that out. And YAY more icons :D That James Bond one is just guh, amaaaaaazing :D


pa_0205 July 7 2008, 14:50:34 UTC
I know, I'm so excited for Quantum of Solace!! It looks like it will be even more badass than Casino Royale! Go see Wall-E and Wanted. I'm sure you won't regret either. ;)

And thanks about the icons! I will be posting them quite soon! :D


infinitiva July 4 2008, 08:06:07 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed both movies, especially Wanted, I didn't really like it that much :P

The song is brilliant, I've been listening to this CD for way too long this week but I have no intentions of stopping:P

And YAY for the icons! I want them. NOW. :)
(love the forst one from the preview)


pa_0205 July 7 2008, 14:52:26 UTC
Yeah, I heard you weren't too pleased with Wanted, I'm sorry about that. :( I guess the thing that helped for me was that I was too scared that I would be disappointed, so when I wasn't, my love was multiplied tenfold. ;)

I've been listening to Coldplay soooooo much as well. I'm kind of obsessed with them right now.

I'll post those icons soon, I promise! :D


(The comment has been removed)

pa_0205 July 7 2008, 14:54:59 UTC
I love Angelina, too. Too much. :D
And yeah, I bought the Vanity Fair magazine just for her. I LOVE the shoot of her, she looks so gorgeous. Although, I'm not a big fan of the cover. I mean, they tried to make her look "sexy" when she doesn't need it and I think that ruined it. I also liked the article, it was really interesting even though I knew quite a bit of the information. ;)


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