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Comments 77

seriouslywir June 25 2008, 19:50:27 UTC
Gorgeous icons Miriam :)) your style is always unique hon :)) love the Iron man icons ^_^


pa_0205 June 26 2008, 05:13:42 UTC
Awww...thank you so much! I really appreciate all your compliments! Love the Twilight icon btw. Can't wait for the movie, although it will never live up to its literary counterpart. ;)


cosnicgirl June 25 2008, 20:02:44 UTC
Amazing batch! Taking one of Marion, thank you!


pa_0205 June 26 2008, 05:12:39 UTC
No, thank you! :)
I'm so glad you like the icons! :)


nitaface June 25 2008, 21:16:04 UTC
Coldplay is the shit.
And Viva La Vida might be their best album yet. :D :D :D :D


pa_0205 June 26 2008, 05:11:54 UTC
Totally agree with both comments.
I'm really loving Life in Technicolor. And Strawberry Swing. And every other song on the CD. Viva La Vida is probably my favorite song by them.
I'm still debating between that, Swallowed in the Sea, and Don't Panic though. It is something that I will never completely decide upon. ;)


doomedromance June 25 2008, 23:40:26 UTC
Miriam! ♥

Your icons, as always, are so beautiful. I love the experimentation and the summery bursts of colour and the subtle touches of text. The Heath batch in particular is so quirky and eye-catching and bold, I love it.

Wanted looks pretty cool! James McAvoy is such a cutie.

Good luck with school's end and it's to great to hear from you!


pa_0205 June 26 2008, 05:09:57 UTC
Hey! It's great to hear from you as well! Thank you so much for your compliments, I really appreciate you taking the time to comment on my icons! I am extremely flattered by the lovely things you wrote about my icons. *hugs*

P.S. I just finished school last week and I'm really enjoying all this relaxation. ;)
P.P.S. I agree, James McAvoy is such a cutie. He's one of my favorites. ;)


janeiphur June 26 2008, 02:23:51 UTC
I absolutely love these! You never fail to amaze me with your art!! And don't worry about not being able to post icons, I've been doing the same cause of school and then I lost photoshop for the longest time (i'll have some soon too llol)

I can't wait to see more icons, I always love to see what you come up with!


pa_0205 June 26 2008, 05:06:47 UTC
Thank you so much for your comments Jane! You flatter me way too much. :D
I just saw the art that you posted on your journal and you should definitely make some more stuff! I'm loving what you've come up with so far! :)


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