i got a pretty pink ZUNE and little hiatus. oh, and some icons.

Jun 20, 2007 20:12

1. I got a PRETTY PINK ZUNE people!!! :D
It looks like this.I really wanted to get an MP3 player and I didn't really want to get an iPod since everyone has those...So I got a Zune and it is really cool. It has a bigger screen than an iPod and you can also send songs to Zunes near yours. It will like check to see if there are any Zunes in the area ( Read more... )

grey's anatomy, keira knightley, icons, news, julian casablancas

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Comments 22

gilraenia June 21 2007, 03:22:15 UTC
that zune thing looks so cool! my friend has one as well. I think I might buy one...I have an iPod nano but it's only 2 gigs so I have to keep deleting stuff off it when I went to add stuff :( but those Zunes seem to get a lot for the price!

and have fun on vacation! :) :) the icons are gorgeous as usual ;) XD


pa_0205 June 28 2007, 18:09:42 UTC
Awww...thanks! Yeah, I have soooo much space on my Zune and I have no clue what to do with it. I'm sure I'll be able to fill it up with movies though...;)
I mean, iPods are amazing, I just wanted something different though. Both are good choices though. ;)

Btw, thanks about the icons. I'm glad you liked them. ;)


nitaface June 21 2007, 03:55:20 UTC

I have an iPod cause it was a christmas present from an uncle. BUT I WANT A ZUNE. ;___;
I will get one. I WILL. XD


pa_0205 June 28 2007, 18:10:42 UTC
LOL. You're lucky you didn't have to pay for your iPod though. These things are SO expensive. Well...when you're paying for it with your own money. ;)


phantomz_angel June 21 2007, 03:57:40 UTC
omg, Zunes look so cool! The icons look really great, especially the Keira ones :D


pa_0205 June 28 2007, 18:11:40 UTC
Yeah, Zunes are cool. :)
I'm glad you liked the icons! :)


whitegoldpearls June 21 2007, 06:06:03 UTC
Loooovveee the icons!! And that Zune thing sounds so cool! I'm afraid I'm one of the masses...I have an iPod video, heheh. I was so against getting one at first, but now I have it, I don't think I could survive without it! Haha :D Once again, the icons are simply GORGEOUS :D I love those pics of Keira, I made icons of them too a few days ago, will hopefully post them up soon :)
Enjoy your holiday! See you back on LJ soon!


pa_0205 June 28 2007, 18:13:29 UTC
I know what you're saying! My brother has a video iPod as well, and they really come in handy. iPods are really great and I understand why everyone buys them. I just saw the Zunes and I was like oooh!

But anyways, I'm glad you like the icons! And I really enjoyed my holiday. It was a lot of fun, thanks! :)


loleia June 21 2007, 12:42:27 UTC
Wow the pink zune is SO CUTE!!!!!!!
We're gonna miss you too sweetie *HUGSSSS*

The icons are amazing as usual!!!!!!
#1 of course is perfect: perfect colouring, perfect crop, perfect sharpness... Love it!
#2 is SO original!!!
#5 has a fantastic use of texture and again the cropping and placement is fantastic.
#8 is very, very original as well!
#10 and #12 own me, even though I have no idea who is in them lol!!


pa_0205 June 28 2007, 18:17:44 UTC
I missed you too! It feels so weird to be gone for like a week and then there is so much stuff to catch up on! I must have looked at thousands of icons today and commented on so many posts!

But anyways, thanks so much about the icons! :D I loved reading your comments on the icons! It really helps me out, so thanks for taking the time to do that! :D



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