new layout. yippee!

Jun 10, 2007 21:49


After hours of searching for a layout worthy of a header, I finally found one made by minty_peach. I was seriously contemplating using another one of those stylish layouts from ohflare and you probably noticed it if you stopped by my LJ anytime yesterday afternoon. ;) But I really wanted to make a header because I haven't in a while and yeah ( Read more... )

news, new layout

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Comments 12

vanillaisbetter June 11 2007, 02:40:48 UTC
It's awesome!!!!!! Seriously! I love it!
*needs to see Oceans13*


pa_0205 June 11 2007, 23:54:33 UTC
Thank you very much! :D
And yes, you definitely need to see Ocean's 13. ;)


whitegoldpearls June 11 2007, 03:36:11 UTC
Ooh its GORGEOUS! I love the colours and the header looks fantastic! :D
I watched Ocean's Thirteen too a couple of days ago. Aren't George and Brad oh so dreamy? And, lol, I loved the parts with Oprah...hahah :D


pa_0205 June 11 2007, 23:57:36 UTC
Why thank you! :D I'm glad you like the colors! I really like red and yellow a lot and so I thought, why not something with those colors! And so yeah. :D

OMG I loved the Oprah parts! Especially at the end when it was like "Terry Benedict dedicated $72 million to Belong To Camp"...I laughed so hard. Cause it's like $72 million and Danny said it was like 200 kids who went there, right? And yeah, George and Brad were definitely dreamy...Especially when Brad was the hippie earthquake guy and George was the Spanish-mustache guy. ;)


gilraenia June 11 2007, 03:37:43 UTC
I LOOOVE this new layout! You're making me want to change mine even though I just changed it last night :P

Ooh, I'm glad to hear that Ocean's 13 was good. I loved Ocean's 11, but 12 really confused me xP


pa_0205 June 12 2007, 00:01:01 UTC
Thanks! I love your new layout btw! I think I forgot to comment on it, but I did see it. :) I really love the color scheme and ohflare is like the awesomest. :D I also found another really great layout place: cartonage. She's got some really cool, retro layouts there. :)

Yeah, definitely go see Ocean's 13. I also loved Ocean's 11, and I really liked 12 when I first saw it, although I don't like it as much now. And I can see why a lot of people think it is confusing... ;)


gilraenia June 12 2007, 02:42:32 UTC
oh, thanks! :D and I'll have to check that place out ^^

I will definitely see 13 sometime in the near future, but I think I'm going to see potc 3 again first XXDDD :P


scraps June 11 2007, 04:53:51 UTC
OMG I simply love the header. It's very creative and you've made me insanely jealous of you graphic skills X)

Oh, I watched Ocean's Thirteen too. It's pretty good although not as good as the first one :P


pa_0205 June 12 2007, 00:14:37 UTC
Awwww...You're making me blush! Thank you so much for your lovely compliments! :D

Ocean's 11 is definitely the best, then 13, then 12. :)


Btw, I was checking out your icon journal and you make some AMAZING icons. I will have to join. :D
Plus, your info is probably the most awesome thing ever. I hate all the icons of that annoying, stupid, ugly Paris Hilton and MKA. I don't really mind MKA, but seriously, why waste your time on Paris Hilton. She is ugly.
That makes your journal anything but uncool for saying those things. ;) I greatly admire you and I am going to go friend it now. :D

Oh, and I also joined ambiences cause it sounds really cool. :D


scraps June 12 2007, 03:31:10 UTC
Thanks! It's made by _rhea who makes fantastic graphics.

Thanks so much for joining both comms!!! Haha, I think it was put up because I was getting really sick of Paris icons since they were like everywhere and she is just disgusting :P


floatingnot June 11 2007, 18:57:00 UTC
I love the colors too!!!
And I am so ready for a fix of hot men, I wanted to see it the other night but I could have only taken guys and none of them were interested. They just can't handle the hot.
(wow! And the icon picker is coded all cool too!)


pa_0205 June 12 2007, 00:20:27 UTC
Thank you for the compliments on my new layout! :D You should check out minty_peach's layouts, there are some really cool ones. :D
And yeah, the icon picker is really cool, although it is kinda hard to see. ;)

That stinks that you couldn't go to see Ocean's 13...Maybe you can go with some more worthy people soon, LOL. People who can handle all that hotness. ;)


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