Title: Language of the Flowers Fandom: Bleach Characters: Ulquiorra Schiffer, Inoue Orihime Claim: Ulquiorra Schiffer/ Inoue Orihime Prompt: #96 - Writer’s Choice Word Count: 1436 Rating: T Author’s Notes: Written for
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Wow, I wasn't sure if you'd be able to outdo your own awesomeness but you did so in such a spectacular fashion. I can't even begin to describe original and unique your writing style is and I mean that in the most positive way possible. It's hard to pick a favorite since they're all amazing but I really liked "Camellia". Very short but it was concise, straight to the point, but it still was able to convey the feelings very well. Also, you end each of them so well, it's just a statement that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. And using Orihime's Shun Shun Rikka as a basis for these was pure genius. Much love to you Elle for writing these. <3 *mems*
Wow thanks so much =3 I liked Camellia also because it ended up so... well, to the point XD I always wanted to do something with the Shun Shun Rikka so I'm glad that it turned out okay and that you like it so much ^^
Aww wow these were so poetic and I loved how Ulqui was included in them. I think I liked Althea the most just because it was in character for the both of them.
(*belated comment*) So many different AU scenarios - six in one story! I loved 'Ume' and 'Camellia' best, but Hime's being a nun in 'Iris' is strangely fitting (why am I thinking of Saint Tail?).
It's clever, the way you incorporate her Shun Shun Rika. They're underloved, I think. And I love your writing style, as always. *happy sigh*
Anyway, thank you very much! The Shun Shun Rikka are VERY underloved T.T There's not much stories with them present even though they're a very important part of Hime. I'm glad that you liked it ^^
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Thank you for reading =)
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It's clever, the way you incorporate her Shun Shun Rika. They're underloved, I think. And I love your writing style, as always. *happy sigh*
Anyway, thank you very much! The Shun Shun Rikka are VERY underloved T.T There's not much stories with them present even though they're a very important part of Hime. I'm glad that you liked it ^^
Psst. I fangirl over your writing XD True fact.
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