Title: Bright Lights Recipient: Mathias Rating: G Summary: It's the last night, the night when magic tends to happen. Notes: I know it's short but I hope you enjoy!
This left me wanting more, anon. The interactions between Oshitari and Niou were great and the ones between Niou and Tezuka were interesting. I liked the little details Niou mentioned about the other people on the ship a lot.
Kudos for tackling an edwardian superliners fic, anon. Very brave! I really liked how you put a different twist to it too instead of putting the characters on the original ships.
I liked the little details the best and wheee, TezNiou. It was a very nice fic, thank you for writing it!
This narration was really lovely. I adored Niou's comments about everyone and how the story was set up. Tezuka is an absolute gem and funny to boot, but man, I totally wanted more at the end of this, Niou is a tease xD
Comments 4
I liked the little details the best and wheee, TezNiou. It was a very nice fic, thank you for writing it!
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