JP hand!spam

Apr 19, 2009 13:54

This is without a doubt, the weirdest picspam I've done. Blame (or be thankful to ;)) fujiidom. It was all her idea. She's a kinky little one.

My deepest apologies to Jim Parsons, but hey! We're staying classy with our fetish! Could be worse! (cough like the Kaley fans focusing on her boobs cough)

Lots of hands/forearms pics... yeah... some random creepy comments, too...

So initially I was picking several pics per episode, but at some point it did turn quite repetitive.
Still look at all those goodies from the pilot!

I find this shot so. freaking. HOT.
It's like embodiment of the show's "smart is the new sexy".
The pose, the hands, the chess set... *drools*

I want him to cut my sandwiches... erm...

Star Trek yay!

And some random Jim shots

Credit for the Paley pic goes to spellingwitch!

Hope you enjoyed the picspam, fujiidom! I can't wait for the smut fic now *g*

tv: the big bang theory, actor: jim parsons

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