The Big Bang Theory: Penny/Sheldon 2x19

Mar 31, 2009 04:59

Welcome to your weekly dose of P/S =)

Shippy stuff. Yay!

1. She doesn't care, she informs him anyway. As per usual everybody's trying to hide the info from him, to play along. She's the only one who's blunt about it.

2. She's actually enjoying the fact that she's annoying him with her less rational idea. Yes, it's a shippy thing. She tried to be rational with him, but it wasn't working, so instead of doing like the guys would do, trying to soften the blow, she actually fuels his crazy ideas.

3. She repeats Sheldon's "oh horrors". It's amazing that she always picks up things he says.

This is a very tiny thing that only us, crazy shippers would care about. I don't think I managed to cap it, so you gonna have to rewatch the scene, but when Leonard says to Penny that she can take her head out of the oven, for a split second Sheldon looks shocked. Check the scene.

Another tiny thing that I didn't cap was the meeting with Alicia. Unlike with the pilot where Sheldon wasn't bothered or worried by Penny moving in right across the hall, he's way less pleasant and far more suspicious with the new girl. Unlike Leonard who is as instantly smitten as he was in that pilot scene, Sheldon is extremely different here.

This scene is great! Here's why:

1. Sheldon likes Alicia but it goes well with my theory on how Sheldon only "befriends" people who are beneficial to him and how Penny is one of the very few people who became his friend for different, probably unknown to Sheldon reasons. And while she can provide him with some of the same services as the rest of the gang (like e.g. driving him to comic book store), she is far less constant in her behavioral patterns than they are. She's more than likely to disagree with him and kick his ass (and I bet that she's capable of that literally) and yet Sheldon keeps her in his very restricted social circle anyway.

2. Again with the "old couple" banter. He knows her routines just as well as she knows his. He knows she doesn't jog and he knows that she looks like that because she didn't do her laundry. Again. I'd also like to point out that as per usual, this is the dialogue that is written for these 2, while it could've been given to Penny and Leonard. I'm sorry writers, but as some point, I will start to think Leonard doesn't know Penny as well as Sheldon does. Oh wait! Too late!

3. Look at that smile! He might be oblivious, but he seems happy thinking he "helped" her out.

4. It's nice that Sheldon's focused only on Penny in this scene while the only things that Leonard says/does are Alicia-oriented. People who say how much in love with Penny Leonard really is truly confuse me. The guy seems "in love" with every single hot woman on this show.

Awww they're bonding over mimicry! So ok, she didn't get his... yet. Still, it's a cute scene!

This is great, again in comparison with Sheldon from S1. He's not over Alicia's helping the guys set her stereo. Yet he did help Leonard to bring in Penny's TV, Penny's media center (and then put it together) and he mentioned her wanting his tech support. I love that he truly doesn't care about Alicia to the point of not even helping her out.

Also I love that she made him totally lose his focus. I bet that doesn't happen a lot.

I love how this time she doesn't even knock and just joins him on the couch. And I love that even though he's not happy she didn't knock, he still asks her to come in.

Also SARCASM!!! And he almost let out that victory smug grin.

And finally, even though he isn't consciously giving her advices, she still listens to him and puts two and two together, so it actually gives her more insight into the situation.

This is so amazingly couple-like. The way he asks her about his order and the way she knows what his food quirks are. They could just as well be talking about picking up dry cleaning or kids from school.

She got his order right. Almost, I'll give you that, but still - judging by victorious look to Leonard she did so much better than him. Also he doesn't correct her right away about the mustard. He waits til she's done ranting. Plus there's a tiny moment where he looks like he's just making up his mind whether to tell her she picked one wrong item or not.

And finally I skipped it in caps, but her Star Trek reference to Alicia? Considering Penny's Xmas gift to Sheldon, I'll assume that when she thinks of Star Trek, she thinks of him, therefor that reference was his influence. And hey, why not, she picks up stuff he says/does all the time.

tv: the big bang theory

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