Pic creds go to the wonderful
さんにゃ So you want to join the exchange! Great, it's wonderful to have you on board! Before you sign up, please made sure you've read
the rules and submission guidelines Schedule for the Exchange is as follows!
Sign-ups: 15th March to 31st March
Assignments: 31st March to 3rd April
Works Due: May 18th! Whichever timezone you're in.
Posting starts: May 20th (if there is not an extension of the duedate)
Sign Up Form
Your Nickname: (So everyone knows what to call you!)
Your email address So I can assign you your recipient. (If you don't want to put your email up here, shoot me a PM with a link to your sign-up comment)
For the fic/art you will receive
Fic/Art/No Preference:
Characters or Schools: Please give a couple of schools! U-17 characters count as a school together.
Pairings you would like to see (Optional): If given, please state at least three pairings you'd like!
Likes: What you'd want to receive in a fic/art. Be this genres, scenarios, people you'd like to see, etc.
Dislikes: What you don't want to see in your fic/art at all.
Prompt: Real prompts, please. This can be a theme, or a scenario, but anything too vague, and I may have to ask you to change it.
Rating: Maximum Rating you want to see/read
For the fic/art you will produce
Fic/Art/No Preference:
Characters or Pairings you're comfortable with: This is what you're comfortable with writing/drawing. (No guarantees, but I'll try my best to match pairings!)
Characters or Pairings you aren't comfortable with: Characters/Pairings you can't do under any circumstances (please be reasonable!)
Dislikes: Genres, Prompts and scenarios you aren't comfortable with.
Rating: Maximum Rating you will write/draw
Willing to pinch-hit? (I know this is a busy time for everyone, but pinch-hitters are everyone's best friends >>;)
Anything else?: Either a message to the person who gets your request or to the mod.
Convenient Copy Paste Box~!
Your Name:Your email address For the fic/art you will receiveFic/Art/No Preference:Characters or Schools: Pairings you would like to see (Optional): Likes:Dislikes: Prompt: Rating: For the fic/art you will produceFic/Art/No Preference:Characters or Pairings you're comfortable with: Characters or Pairings you aren't comfortable with: Dislikes: Rating:Willing to pinch-hit? Anything else?: