[shakes his head and leans against the desk] Two more days. [sighs heavily] I got a- have [mumbles to himself] havehavehave [nods] have a q-kwes-shin please.
[gives him a grin] Do you any 'point-ments, for to-morrow? 'cause, to-morrow, we get to see how they fix a starship and we gotta have ex-ter grownups and this time is Mommy's turn but she al-ready knows how to fix a starship 'cause she lived on one. And I al-ready know, but my teacher says I gotta go still. [makes a face] And she thinked maybe you would like to go see how they fix 'em with [leans back and opens his arms] really big wrenches. But if you have 'point-ments, it is okay.
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